I need to say right away that I’m a cat person. I love cats and have pretty much had a cat or two around for most of my life. I do, however, draw the line when it comes to such things as cat blogs. I find it sad that some people devote entire blogs to their cat’s every waking moment. An occasional post on a personal blog is fine but they’re pets, not people.
Now comes the ultimate insanity. Cat Idol.
Acording to this story from News.com.au a cat reality TV show is about to get underway in New York.
Ten cats in search of owners will spend the next 10 days in a New York store window, their every move caught on camera for a reality TV show on which they will compete for best sleeper and mouse-catcher.
The show is the creation of a pet food company and will be shown on cable channel Animal Planet, as well as on the website Meow Mix House where viewers will be asked to vote off one feline contestant each day.
The cats, chosen from shelters around the US, will compete for loudest purr, most prolific sleeper and who can catch the most toy mice.
I already have a big problem with the vote ’em off style reality shows but this one is just too much. They’re cats for goodness sake. Get a life.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
Technorati Tags: Cats – Reality TV – Cat Idol
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This is really weird. But maybe some people are so lonely and so little communicative that only an animal is “willing” to be with them – apart from TV-Shows and chat-room-partners.
If I only look at my neighbour. It´s an old lady. She talks all day long to a fictitious person. Actually she is not talking but complaining about the bad, bad world.
She is so very much frustrated and negative that even her children and grandchildren do not visit her – but maybe an animal would stand her…
Well, or it´s just another desperate cry for attention, for television ratings.
Or maybe they try to find out how far people are willing to go, if someone says: Stop it now, this is just insane! 😉
i think this is a purrrrrfetic idea
i love cats too but as you said Rodney they are animals not humans
well said!
This is a little freaky…
What happens to the cats that get voted off? Do they go to the “Rewards Room”… What does that mean…?
Although I own two cats, I’m not really a ‘cat person’. But maybe I should post something about my cats again. They haven’t had a mention since when my son was weeing on them every time we took his nappy off. 🙂
Further proof that you can never be too cynical. Just when I think television can’t get any stupider, it goes and proves me wrong.
Now, I’m a mega cat-lover, occasionally post about my cat, collect cat ornaments and stuff, and have pretty much always had a cat. But this reality style cat show is extremely odd. What is this world coming to !?!?!
Have a great weekend.
Take care, Meow