The verdict

I only just realised that I didn’t fill you in on the results of the gastroscopy that I had this time last week.

A huge thanks to all the wonderful people who left me messages and wished me well for my day in hospital. Your comments meant a lot to me. I know if was only a minor procedure and so many people have to endure much more but it’s the biggest health issue I’ve ever faced.

As well as finding a hernia somewhere down there, which shouldn’t cause me any problems, it seems that I have duodenitis. Basically it is inflammation and irritation of the wall of the first part of the small intestine.

The fun part is that I’m not sure of all the foods that may cause it to flare up for me. The gastroenterologist has referred me back to my own doctor for follow up treatment but he suggested that I may need to experiment to find out what causes a reaction. In the meantime I’ll continue taking tablets to help settle things down. The suggestion is that I may need the tablets for the rest of my life.

The main suggestions are that I should cut back on coffee, spicy foods, alcohol and a few other bits and pieces. Maybe I should get a second opinion. 🙂

What reminded to tell you about my diagnosis? Waking up with severe pain in my belly at around 4:30 this morning.

Anyway, enough of that. I won’t continue to write up my medical history. I’ll just get on with living and find a way to beat this thing.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

Technorati Tags: Duodenitis – Gastroscopy –

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • What fun…? The testing process is fun for all the family! I remember when Mrs Smiley had to go through testing. We had a great time on an ‘elimination diet’ – had a cycle of foods to eat on a 4 day roster. Made shopping and cooking really easy. If you’re disciplined it was great. But when Mrs Smiley still didn’t get completely well, she had to go into an environmental control unit hospital and have full testing!

    In there, she found out she was reacting to more than half the foods on the elimination diet!

  • Rodney–please keep us posted on your medical condition–that way we know best how to pray for you! I wonder if that Indian food you love could be a culprit–but maybe you haven’t been eating too much of it in Perth…

  • Oh well, at least now you know what the problem is, you can at least try & stop it from occuring. Hope all goes well.

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