What lies beneath the surface?

I was speaking to a friend a few days back who told me that I’m pretty good at expressing my emotions. She feels that way because she knows that I don’t have a problem with talking about how much I love my wife and our children. I do tell them how I feel about them regularly but does that mean that I’m good at expressing emotions?

I talk about a lot of things on radio and here on this blog but there are a lot of things that I don’t discuss in these very public forums. There are many more things that I’d discuss with close friends and extended family. I’m prepared to be even more open with my own little family.

Even with all these levels of openess and the vulnerability that they all require, I feel that my emotions are still like an iceberg with a much larger percentage beneath the surface than is ever seen by any other human.

I have hurts, hopes, dreams and feelings that have never seen the light of day. There are things that are deeply personal that I find extremely difficult, even impossible, to share.

We all know that most of an iceberg lies under the water. Experts say that the amount beneath the surface varies between 50% and 99%. An average iceberg will be somewhere between 80% and 90% beneath the surface.

I wonder what percentage remains beneath the surface for you. Are you closer to the 50% or the 99%. Maybe you’re not that way at all. Maybe you’re a completely open book but my suspicion is that there are a lot of us icebergs out there.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • I think its good to express yourself, always remembering that what you say can rarely be taken back.

    So along with showing your emotions as with everything else there is a responsibility to do them right.

    Naturally your close family and friends will know you better than anyone else.

    I do feel sorry for those who just can open up at all. They miss so much. They miss sharing, and they miss what is usually letting others know them better, and getting to know a wonderful human being.

  • ah, what lies beneath . . .

    perhaps it depends on the warmth of the water we find ourselves in

    if we’re surrounded by unconditional acceptance, love and hospitality that might help melt the berg

    but if we’re surrounded by other bergs and the water is many minuses below, hello Antarctica . . .

  • No matter what image we portray on the outside, there’s always those hidden issues which some people may never see. That’s why we all need someone close, close by.

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