Rick's got a question

Rick from Mmmm, That’s Good Coffee has a question. His most recent post simply says, “So, Why don’t you leave comments?”

It can be rather frustrating to write post after post and find that no one wants to leave a comment so I’m hoping you can do me a couple of favours.

Firstly, pop over to Rick’s blog and leave him a comment or two.

Secondly, let me know what causes you to leave comments on a blog? What are the prompts for you to have your say? I had a few ideas which I left over at Rick’s blog but I’d love to see your ideas in the comments section below. How can us bloggers create more response and foster greater community and communication?

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • Sweet irony, no comments on this post πŸ˜›
    I find there’s a lack of comments on my blog as well. I try and do heaps of posts but there’s still nothing.
    I think the key to getting comments is writing about something that people have opinions about or just ask a question.

  • I often read but don’t leave a comment unless I’ve got something to say on the issue.

    As you can see, I don’t leave many comments…

    It doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy reading it, though.

  • And, I forgot, people writing in newspapers or for web-based news outlets don’t get too many comments, either. I read a fair bit – there’s no way I’ve got enough time to leave a comment on everything I read.

  • I think ending your posts with a question helps, which I always see you do Rodney, that’s really good (haven’t noticed if it works though, I mostly read your blog through bloglines).

    I myself only occasionally comment, even if I’ve really enjoyed blog posts.
    I actually start to comment quite often, but then don’t finish it or end up pressing publish.
    Reasons…. I become to feel ‘familiar’ with people very quickly, and I end up having a comment for every post they do! And I don’t want to come across as a stalker!! Or at least, I think it would be a bit wierd if there was one person commenting on nearly all my posts too! πŸ˜€ And, I don’t want to come across as if I’m spamming, or just leaving comments because I want people to click on my name and come to my blog (which I obviously do sometimes, but is definetly not a reason for me to leave a comment, I want to add something!(or just ramble!)
    Also, commenting takes time, and then keeping track of left comments takes more time! (cocomment is not working for me very well at all!)
    Oh, and commenting wouldn’t take that much time for everyone, but I know myself, and I ramble (this comment proves it), and I read a LOT of blogs, so if I were to comment on all of them…!!!
    Ok, must stop rambling now! (I’m setting up a seperate blog so I can do that!)

  • For me it depends on two things: whether I have some interest in the subject area and how I’m feeling at the time. Sometimes I just don’t feel like leaving a comment, because I’m either in a hurry or just in a bad mood, so I don’t bother.

    That said, my blog has been around for over two years, and still doesn’t draw many comments. I’m probably doing something wrong, but I’m too lazy to do anything about it. πŸ™‚

  • I usually leave comments when I can relate to a post, or feel I can add something constructive to it.

    That’s not to say I leave many comments on the blogs I visit, becasue sometimes it’s just nice to hear what other people have to say and absorb that.

  • I enjoy leaving comments because I like the give and take interactive nature of blogs. I enjoy the relationship.

    I don’t always leave comments but I do when I feel I can contribute in some way to the conversation, or perhaps to just be an encouragement to the one blogging.

    I always appreciate your comments on my blog Rodney!

  • I agree that asking a question is a good way to get more comments going. As for me, I always try to leave comments. But I haven’t been doing it much lately, because of personal things going on. I’ve been trying to post more about archaeological topics of interest to me, which no one else seems interested in! Oh well, that’s ok. Mention sex, God, or the war on terror and you’re sure to get comments, though.

  • I’m thinking I need to post more things that either tick people off, or confuse the heck out of them to make them leave a comment like, “what in the world….?!?!” πŸ™‚

    Good post prompt writing idea, huh?

  • I am not sure what will cause people to leave comments. I am leaving this one because you wrote about comments. So maybe we should just write about comments in every post.

  • I think it is no more complicated than this…when you say something that interests others, and they have been captivated by you buttonholing them, for whatever reason, there is going to be a response. Sometimes, it is just as simple as a swift kick in the conscience, that they have been reading, but giving nothing back…such as asking this question!

  • Generally I leave a comment because I feel I can add something to a topic or just because I have enjoyed reading it, I do believe leaving questions at the end of blogs helps get answers and it’s a good way to get your own blog website out in the

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