Cuddle anyone?

When you get up tomorrow make sure you wash extra well, brush your teeth thoroughly to ensure ‘nice’ breath and then be prepared to be squeezed.

Did you know that it’s National Cuddle Day in Australia tomorrow? Will you be on the look out for opportunities to give a few extra hugs? I’m sure you can be part of the celebrations even if you’re not in Australia.

According to the National Cuddle Day website, National Cuddle Day is a national call-to-arms. It’s the day when cuddling is king and the handshake or peck-on-the-cheek is thrown out in favour of a big warm and friendly cuddle.

There are plenty of reasons to celebrate the cuddle:
A cuddle is good for your physical and mental well being
A cuddle can make someone who is having a bad day feel better
Giving a cuddle is free and it means so much when it’s given
A cuddle shows that you care for someone
A cuddle is a gift in itself, cuddle someone and get a cuddle in return

And the good news is that everyone can participate in a cuddle. All you need is a willing participant and a set of arms and you can share a cuddle straight away.

You’ll also find a guide to cuddling on the website along with details of how cuddling helps your health and there’s even the opportunity to send a Virtual Cuddle.

I love cuddling Pauline, Emily and James but I’m not normally much of a ‘huggy’ kind of person outside of cuddling those closest to me. Of course I am prepared to make an exception for a national day of such significance so be prepared if you see me heading your way tomorrow.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

Technorati Tags: – National Cuddle Day

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • I cant cuddle my cute niece and nephew because i am down with cold 🙁
    Can only cuddle my boyfriend.. heheheh he’s strong enough to stand against the cold. 😛

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