Ho Ho Ho … Oh no no no

I know that the shopping centres have been trying to get us to think about Christmas for quite a while but I don’t know that I’m ready just at the moment.

Pauline was telling me that she’s spoken to a number of people who have either finished or are just about to finish their Christmas shopping. I don’t want to leave things until Christmas Eve but we’re not even a week into November yet.

I think things were made even worse this morning when I wandered down towards the kids’ bedrooms. Emily and James were each in their own rooms listening to different Christmas CDs and arranging Christmas decorations.

I’m starting to feel decidedly unorganised.

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When do you start planning for Christmas? Have you organised gifts yet? Are you a last minute shopper? Many of us rush from one branch of family to the next on Christmas Day. Have you worked out where you’re spending the day?

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • i know how you feel with all these Christmas decorations going up. In my family we don’t put decorations up until December.
    As for Christmas shopping, i wait till a week or 2 before.
    I was all over the place on Christmas, it was terrible. My dad’s family during the day, my mum’s in the arvo, then friends at night. I didn’t even get to use anything i got till boxing day, at night.

  • I leave everything until the last minute. Wifey is a bit more organised and will have bought all the presents before the beginning of December. No idea where I will be this Christmas?

  • My goal is to be done with the shopping by Halloween every year. But this is because I suffer from major panic attacks in crowds and can’t handle the crazy shopping atmosphere that starts Nov. 1st. I don’t start decorating and playing music, etc. until around Dec. 1st.

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