What's the most unusual job you've had?

Life Skills Trainer, Jill Bonanno joined me once again this morning for our regular Friday morning segment, Simply Living.

We’re in the middle of discussing work and especially looking at simplifying things for people who may be looking at getting back into the workforce after some time away from paid employment.

Our discussion revolved around unusual jobs today. We talked about some of the weird and wonderful jobs we’ve had over the years. We invited listeners to let us know about their most unusual jobs. You can click here and listen to today’s segment while you continue to browse the internet.

What’s the most unusual job you’ve done? How about clicking the comments link below this post and letting me know what kinds of jobs you’ve held in the past.

As for me, I’ve handed out discount vouchers in the city, trained for four years as a chef, worked in a take-away shop, spent 5 years with the Education Department, worked with World Vision a couple of times, worked as a community facilitator, been a fundraising bike ride organiser with the Bible Society and a few other little bits and pieces. Of course these days I’m a radio announcer. Altogether I’ve worked full time in radio for over 12 years full time and 6 years part time.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

Technorati Tags: Sonshine FM

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • my weirdest job was making muesli years ago. i loaded all the ingredients into a machine like a giant compost tumbler and then turned it on. it rotated for about ten minutes and then i shoveled it out into 1kg bags. it was a real “one powerball and i’m outer here” type of job!!!

  • My weirdest job I ever had was when I didn’t HAVE a job. I was very sick (I wasn’t even strong enough to work part time taking the census) but no one knew why. So, I made it my “job” to look up every weird symptoms I had and try to figure out what the doctors couldn’t. So, ten years later, I knew WAY more than I ever wanted to about all kinds of weird illnesses from plague to platelets.

    Turns out the reason the doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me was I had (have) THREE chronic illnesses–migraines (common), Celiac Disease (un-common) and Periodic Paralysis (extremely rare).

    I have since retired from my “job” as a medical researcher. I use many of those same skill to research and write cartoon tips booklets to help other people suffer less and enjoy life more.

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