More Smiley Nodders

I noticed this morning that someone in Queensland had found this blog by searching “who are the head nodders who stand behind politicians”.

They would have found a post I published in 2004 in the lead up to a previous election. I thought I might as well post it again for you today.

I notice there are a lot more smiley nodders on TV lately.

They’re always there but so much more so when an election is on its way. They’re the people who stand behind a politician who is making a statement to the media and smile and nod.

For instance, if the leader of the party is releasing a policy you’ll usually find that the minister who has responsibility for the relevant department and the local member will be standing immediately behind with big grins. Sometimes they nod at the right time. They’re also the ones who will start to chuckle if the appointed spokesperson cracks at joke.

If you’ve never noticed them before watch the TV news tonight and see how many you can spot. It may add a little light releif to the whole election process. All
sides of politics have them so you should be able to see a few.

Let me know your ‘smiley nodder’ tally over the next few days.

So have you noticed the increase in smiley nodders recently?

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He previously worked in radio for about 25 years but these days he spends his time at Compassion Australia, working towards releasing children from poverty in Jesus' name.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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