Haven’t times changed?
The Australian school year is just getting underway after several weeks of summer holidays. Everywhere you look there are signs and advertisements for ‘Back to School Sales’.
I remember years ago when the ‘Back to School Sales’ would be all about getting a good price on crayons, coloured pencils, school bags, lunch boxes and the occasional great deal on Bata Scouts.
I was flicking through today’s paper and looking at the back to school deals on offer. While some shops still offer discounted prices on school stationery, I spotted a number of back to school deals on laptop computers and the like.
I guess that computers are becoming more and more a necessity for students but we certainly won’t be shelling out for a $1500 laptop for Emily or James anytime soon.
Our poor kids will have to continue battling on with our old 900 Celeron desktop. It’s several years old but it still seems to do the job …. most of the time.
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I have also noticed that here, school assignments, papers to download, and schedules are online. So add the internet connection to the list as well.
Now, I am not saying it’s a bad thing. In fact, the excuse, “I left my paper at school” is now over, as one’s homework can be now easily downloaded from the teachers page, as well as, parents can see first hand what is going on in the classroom by studying such a website with its schedules and such.
But I do agree, the times are really changing.
Here as well, laptops are becoming very affordable to all walks of life.
I am as poor as they come, but even so, it isn’t completely out of my reach if I truly wanted one.
I do like your last comment though, referring to the age of your PC.
My PC is OLD.
My daughter’s laptop is outdated as well.
BUT, we work very hard to keep them clean, running well, and take many precautions to take excellent care of them.
There are the unforunate things that happen, like some time ago my external died, but, again, I took good care to back up most of the things I would need on a cd.
Because of this, perhaps when I DO need a new PC, just about any cheaper thing will be an upgrade, and that could be your case too.
The kids I teach have much cooler toys than I do.
I knew the seasons were different in Australia (I’m in Canada) but I never thought about the back to school being in a different time of the year too. Back to school is in September here.