At some point today, my Sitemeter will kick over the 100 000 mark.
Yes, I’m fully aware that Sitemeter may not be the most reliable way to collect statistics and that my visitor count may well be considerably higher.
Yes, I know that many of the hits that have been recorded are probably just me checking in on my own blog and so my visitor count may well be considerably lower.
I’m also fully aware that many serious bloggers will get 100 000 hits before breakfast each day and that it’s taken me over four years to get to this point.
Keeping all that in mind, it’s my 100 000 and I’m going to celebrate it. To mark the occasion I’d like to give one lucky blog reader $100 000. I’d really like to … but I can’t even afford to give away $100 so you’ll just have to be happy with my very sincere thanks.
Thanks for dropping in, even if it’s only been for a few seconds. Special thanks to the regulars who not only drop in faithfully to read whatever I happen to write but also add to the conversation by commenting.
Thank you to everyone who’s ever visited. You’ve made all the time that I put into keeping this blog worthwhile.
Do you think some of your friends would enjoy reading 100 000? Please use the buttons below to share the post. Thanks.
Darn it wasn’t me! It’s still only 99,979.
You’re welcome. Keep blogging!
Only 8 more to go now.
I’m sure I’ve accouted for at least a few hundred of those 100,000. Good job Rodney. Its a good indication how much we all value your blog.
Maybe you weren’t number 100 000, Brian, but I know that I never would have got there without you visiting. ๐
Thanks for your comments, Sarah. I’ll keep on blogging as long as you keep on reading.
Thanks David. I’ve certainly appreciated your comments over the past few years and knowing that you’re dropping in from time to time. ๐
The podcasts are especially great. I appreciate the time and effort that goes into your blog and thank you for it.
Thanks Paul. That’s a real encouragement. I’m glad you’re enjoying the podcasts. It’s a bit hard to know if anyone’s listening to the audio so it’s great to hear from someone who is enjoying what they’re hearing.
4 years – i must have been around for most of that! You do realise, Rodney, that without my abusive comments during the footy reason, you’d still be at 10,000 hits ๐
Paula, I’m sure you’ve added significantly to the hits on my site.
Your contribution hasn’t just been in the number of times that you’ve visited but in the many comments you’ve left over the years which have helped to develop the sense of community.
Aww shucks ๐