No one appreciates me

I’ve been hearing a little about people not feeling appreciated or valued recently. I wonder what it takes to make you feel appreciated.

Is it a touch on the arm by someone close?

Is it hearing someone saying “well done”?

What about other people enjoying something you’ve created, like a good meal or a work of art?

Do you feel valued and appreciated at work? What does it take to make you feel that way?

Is it about being given greater responsibility or your supervisors taking your ideas seriously?

Do you feel appreciated when your company gets recognised for a job in which you’ve played a major role?

Is it about receiving awards or bonuses?

How do we know we’re appreciated? And if we crave that sense of appreciation and value for ourselves, are we ensuring that we let other people know that we value them?

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • The one thing I really appreciate and I’m sure you do too Rodney being in the same industry, is positive listener feedback. Someone telling you face to face that they enjoyed something you did or said on the radio is very uplifting. It’s not that I do the job for personal satisfaction or my public profile, I do it because it’s something I love doing.

    I always make a point of complementing a chef if I enjoyed the meal they cooked me, or complementing a bus/taxi driver for getting me to my destination safely.

    Receiving complements make me feel I am appreciated for what I do, mind you I certainly try to give my fair share of them in return, because Jesus said, “There is more happiness in giving than receiving” and that is sooooo….. true.

  • I like to hear a “thank you” or “job well done” once in a while from my supervisors at work. Me and my fellow workers do work hard and get things done, but it sure doesn’t seem like it at times from our bosses.

    It’s always nice to get compliments, but don’t get carried away with it and get a big head out of it.

  • I think you’re right, Ron. It often doesn’t take a lot to give someone a new enthusiasm for their work.

    We shouldn’t need constant praise for what we’re paid to do but the occasional “well done” works wonders.

  • We just need to hear that we are doing well. It a ‘golden rule thing’. If you like to receive compliments, it is a good starting point to give them to others too. I try to encourage the people I am working with, but the same thing is true for my kids. They need to hear from us: well done, you make me proud, keep it up etc. It’s important!

  • Paul, you’re so right. Our kids need to hear encouragement and it’s especially important that it comes from their parents.

    I think the person expressing appreciation can make all the difference. We can have lots of people saying, “Well done” but it makes a world of difference when it’s someone close to us or that we admire.

  • I go to work to feel appreciated. Not that home is bad or anything, its just that society as a whole tends to give more kudos to women who “work” ie. get paid for working, and I think, no matter how much we reassure ourselves that staying home with the kids is a valuable thing to do, we still absorb those negative messages.

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