World's Oldest Blogger Logs Out

I’ve just read an article at titled ‘Oldest blogger’ makes final post.

THE Australian woman renowned as the world’s oldest internet blogger has made her final post, aged 108.

Olive Riley, of Woy Woy on NSW’s central coast, died in a nursing home just after 6am (AEST) yesterday.

She will be mourned by family and an international readership in the thousands.

Olive’s blog, The Life of Riley, began in February last year. Olive will be sadly missed.

I hope I’m still trying to match it with the ‘young folk’ as far as new technology goes when I reach my later years. I wonder what the latest gadgets and devices will be available in my old age.

I wonder if this blog will still be rolling along in ten, twenty or thirty years time.

In her first ever post Olive said,

Good Morning everyone. My name is Olive Riley. I live in Australia near Sydney. I was born in Broken Hill on Oct. 20th 1899.Broken Hill is a mining town, far away in the centre of Australia.

My Friend, Mike, has arranged this blog for me. He is doing the typing and I am telling the stories. He thinks it’s a good idea to tell what’s going on.

He already made a film about me a few years back and people liked that, so they might like this blog too, he says. We’ll see.

Goodbye Olive and thanks for the stories.

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • Hi Rodney! Now you and I can try to set a new age record… Even when blogging will be completely outdated, we will be sharing our stories in blogosphere – still going strong.
    And I’m sure dear Ms Olive Riley of Woy Woy (btw what a great place name!) will have better things to do now on the other side.
    Great human interest story, thanks for sharing. And yes, I’m back!

  • Awww, bugger 🙁
    Always used to enjoy reading her blog – such a young thinking mind!
    Hope her passing was quick and painless, she had a lovely soul.

  • Yes Jayne, she was a remarkable lady. I’m hoping to follow up on her story for my radio programme. As Paul said, here is a great human interest story.

  • Rodney, hi. New to your blog and liking it. Thanks for putting me on to Olive’s blog. Had never heard of her before and now I feel kind of sad that I’ve found her after she’s gone. I’ve accepted your ad. Thanks for requesting the placement and I’ll be visiting your blog often.



  • Hello Milena. Thanks for dropping in. I look forward to reading more of your comments in the coming months.

    I’ve been enjoying a quick look through your blog. I’ll certainly be spending some more time there very soon. 🙂

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