Romancing your spouse

Today’s challenge is to pick a couple of items (or more) from the list and put them into action.

Christianity Today has published a list writen by Jill Savage titled The Most (Unusual) Romantic Things. It’s a list of 20 simple ideas that will help you let your ‘significant other’ that you’re thinking of them. Go on … check out the list and get started.

We can get so caught up thinking that romance is all about the big gestures that we forget about the little things that say ‘I love you’. I spotted a few things on the list that I’m already doing and a few that I should start doing.

I’d love to get your comments and ideas for a few more simple things that will help keep romance alive. What are the little things you do that communicate your love? What little things does your spouse do that remind you that you are loved? What are the little things you wish your spouse would do for you?

Thanks to Bowden McElroy for pointing me to the article.

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Neat as a pin

What does it really mean? Sure, I get the idea that it means that it’s clean and tidy but how neat is a pin?

As we continue to prepare our home for sale I’m occasionally looking for homes on line. We’re not looking too seriously yet as our main task is getting our home on the market and sold before we commit to a new property. We’re hoping to have a bit of a busy bee this Saturday. We’ll be getting down to business to spread some mulch around and clean up around the house and yard. (You’re more than welcome to join us. 🙂 )

I’m fascinated by the language real estate agents use to sel properties. One of the old favourites is ‘neat as a pin’. Does anyone really know what it means? Why do agents want you to associate the house they want you to buy with a tiny, sharp implement? I’m also wondering why they would want to use overworked cliches of any kind.

What are your favourite property selling phrases?

Another one I’ve seen is ‘priced to sell’. Surely all homes are priced to sell if they’re on the market. Some are priced to sell more quickly than others but they’re all priced to sell.

I saw one recently that proclaimed the house as ‘a home to fit your needs’. How do they know what my needs are?

Have you seen any weird or wonderful phrases designed to sell houses? Do tired old cliches really work to grab your attention?

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FAST for FOOD – Day Five


FAST for FOOD is running through November and is a response to the Global Food Crisis that is threatening millioins of lives.

If this is the first you’ve heard of this initiative of Compassion you can read my earlier posts. Every 7 Seconds … and FAST for FOOD Explained.

Each day throughout November I’ll be posting a short Bible passage from the FAST for FOOD Calendar.

There is a theme for each week of the month and a passage to read as a focus of prayer.

The theme of week one is – PREPARE.

As we begin to fast and pray, it is good to prepare our hearts and make sure that they are in alignment with God’s word. Meditate on these verses throughout the week.

DAY 5 – James 1:27

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans
and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

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