Do you have any big ideas for 2009?
This time last year I was looking ahead to early April when I was scheduled to fly to Haiti with Compassion Australia to see their child sponsorship programmes at work. As it turned out we were only able to stay in Port au Prince for a couple of days before food riots made it necessary to leave the country and travel to neighbouring Dominican Republic to see Compassion’s work there.
There were other events throughout 2008 but the Compassion trip was certainly a highlight.
So what’s my big idea for 2009?
I guess it’s all about moving house and connecting with a new community. Over the past few months we’ve been busy getting our current home ready to sell so the task is now to find a buyer before finding a new house and moving. A big task indeed.
Do you have any major events or plans this year? Is there a change of jobs or a change of scenery on the radar for you? What are your big ideas for 2009?
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I guess my big one is starting my Bachelor of Ministry. I did the Certificate last year and am pushing on. That is my big thing on the radar for me personally. Other than that things are pretty much the same.
I was planning a move to Hobart at the end of 2009, but a combination of the recession and having spent a stack of money on dental work in recent years looks to have put an end to that for another 12 months or so. I do plan on visiting Western Australia for the first time this year, however.
That’s a pretty big event for 2009! I don’t really have anything big this year, but it’s fairly momentous in the fact that I just graduated so this is my first year as a non-student.
2009 will change my life forever…
but i’ll write more about that on my blog later this week!
Well, since I am unemployed at the moement, getting a job would really be good. This whole recession thing sucks! So I gave that over to God. I’d also like to wrtie a book, so I really need God to lead and disipline me in this area too! Sounds like that is already a plate full for me. keep me in your prayer. Thanks, Robin
Finishing writing my book is definitely a big (and manageable) goal for me this year.
Other than that, I’m hoping this year is a bit less crazy than the previous two.