Perth Cycling

bike_parts.jpgThe best place to connect with cyclists around the world remains BikeForums. It’s been going for years and the information you can find there is amazing.

For those of us who live in Perth, Western Australia there is a local forum which will prove to be very useful if enough people register and use it regularly. The problem is that such a forum is fishing from a much smaller pond for its members. Any such forum needs to reach some kind of critical mass for it to be truly effective.

That’s why I thought I’d give Perth Cycling and its associated Perth Cycling Forums a bit of a plug today. I’m in no way associated with the site or forums. I simply reckon it’s a great opportunity for local cyclists and I’d hate to see it disappear through lack of support.

Perth Cycling is the main website which has some excellent links and information.

This site has been set up to provide any person new to cycling or new to Perth, a central point of reference to help them find group rides, race information, race results, forums, classifieds and blogs.

While the site is primarily aimed towards group road riding and racing, those behind the site are willing to develop it into whatever users require.

Perth Cycling Forums gives you the opportunity to interact with other local riders. You’ll find everything there from classifieds to local ride information and advice from other cyclists in your area.

If you are from Perth and you ride a bike, can I encourage you to check out the website and forums. I’m hoping that membership of the forums will grow and that we’ll see some interesting discussions develop.

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • G’day

    I am probably biased and I will declare my interest as a moderator, but I would consider the Australian Cycling Forums to be far more friendly and relevant to Australian cyclists than Bike Forums and would strongly encourage you to at least check them out.

    Oh another vote for the Perth Cycling forums too 🙂


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