Today I’ll be celebrating Mother’s Day with Emily and James as they honour their wonderful mother, my wife, Pauline. Her skills as a mother amaze me and our kids are a real testimony to her abilities as a mum. Pauline demonstrates that she is an amazing woman in so many ways but as a mum she simply radiates love for her children.
I’ll also be wishing my mother-in-law a happy Mother’s Day when we drop in on her this afternoon. She’s obviously a good mum. I only have to look at Pauline to know that.
But I’ll also be pausing to remember my own mum who passed away over 23 years ago when I was in my early twenties. I’ll be feeling some sadness that she’s not here with us but when I remember what a wonderful person she was it’ll help to put a smile back on my face. (That’s me with my parents in the photo. You can click on the picture for a closer look.)
So many times I experience things that I wish I could share with mum. There are moments in life that I just know mum would have enjoyed. There are things I see that I’d just love to show mum because I know she would have appreciated them.
I know that parents can’t stick around forever but there are so many moments that I wish I could have shared with her.
Mum never saw me realise my dream of becoming a radio announcer. She wasn’t around for any of the 5 times I cycled across Australia or my trips to India with Bike for Bibles. There are so many significant moments in my life that mum missed …. and I really missed her being there.
One of the hardest thing for me is knowing that mum passed away several years before I met Pauline so they never got to meet. I know that they would have got on so well. I would have loved to have seen mum’s smiling face as Pauline walked down the aisle on that hot day in December 1992.
Probably the toughest is that I never got to introduce Emily and James to Grandma Olsen.
Life has its ups and downs but I just wish that I could let mum know that life for her youngest child is good. Very good.
Mother’s Day is often a day of mixed emotion for so many reasons. If you’re a mother I truly hope that you have a wonderful Mother’s Day. I know that for many there are sad thoughts and regrets but let me say thank you for doing one of the toughest jobs in the world the best way you know how. Your amazing contribution to our world has not gone unnoticed.
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You so look like your dad!
Enjoy your day with the family!
.-= Barbara (Xerraire)´s last blog ..National Day of Prayer =-.
Thanks Barbara
I think I looked more like my mum when I was younger but I see more of my dad in the mirror each day.
Well, you sure made my eyes tear, Rodney…
I´m really sorry your Mum passed away that early.
I feel kinda relieved to learn that you struggle as much is I do with my Dad who passed away to cancer.
It sure is very sad we cannot share with our loved ones certain things we´re proud of. Where we could say, and it´s due to your work, too!
My Mum said, nah, don´t come over today, I won´t be home anyways! Let´s meet when your Brother is home again.
Well, what can I say?
She doesn´t like to be honoured!
But we all do honour every day anyways, right? 😉
.-= Iris´s last blog ..My Husband, Mr. K. =-.
Missing those who have passed on is a lot more difficult to handle at certain times of the year.
I know that I’m surrounded by people who love me but no one can really take the place of a parent.
Hi Rodney, reading this reminded me of all the great times with Grandma; especially on Mothers day. 🙂 I’m sure my Grandma and Aunty Sadie are in Heaven having a fantastic Mothers day.
It must be wonderful for them there together. No more tears. No more missing those who have gone before them.
I’m looking forward to joining them there one day but I’m hoping to hang around here for quite a few more years. 🙂
Happy Mother’s Day to all.,*-
What a lovely article, Im sure both mums are honoured, yours and your childrens’.
I’ve recently read the new book out by Una Glennon, “Ciara’s gift”. Its a short read and very heartfelt considering the pain, and healing, she would have gone through writing it. I could relate to it, and recognise similar experiences after loosing my sister (not in the same way) and knowing how grief affects us in ways we would not expect. I am sure our loved ones, while not living day to day with us, are not that far away.
Thanks Debbie.
I was given Una’s book to review for my radio programme. It’s a book that I really want to read but in some ways I’m not looking forward to it.
I’ve flicked through it already and it’s a beautiful book but filled with such pain.