Retiring at 100

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According to John Beard, director of the World Health Organisation’s Department of Ageing and Life Course, we could soon see people working up to the age of 100. I have no idea if I’ll still be alive at 100 but I do know that I won’t still be working. I’m hoping that if I do reach that age I’ll still be healthy and active but I think by that time I’ll be happy to let someone else have a turn at working.

“Ageing is too often portrayed as a burden on society,” he said before the Global Federation on Ageing conference opened in Melbourne on Monday.

“Sure, there will be impacts on health service delivery and pensions, but society overlooks the skills and experiences of older people.

“By marginalising them, we force them to become dependent on younger generations.”

Mr Beard, an Australian based in Geneva, envisions an older generation that is plugged in to the latest technology as people in their 80s and 90s choose to stay at

Apparently only 20 percent of retirees surveyed in a recent US study are happy about their life of leisure, saying that they’d prefer to still be working.

I know that many people say that they’d get Bored if they retired but I think they just lack imagination. I’m sure that I’ll find plenty to do when I retire. There are plenty of activities to keep me busy and more than enough good causes that could do with some help. I don’t see retirement as a chance to sit back and do nothing but an opportunity to change focus and gain more control over what I’m able to put my efforts into.

What about you? Would you want to work until you’re 100? What age do you think you’ll retire? What will you do with your retirement years?

I’d love to get your thoughts. Please leave a few lines in the comments section of this post.

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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1 Comment

  • The age for retirement was set up from 65 to 67 over here, but I think we´ll have to work longer…
    I say have to not because I don´t love my job, I do!

    But when I saw the last years my Mother worked… she was so slow and didn´t enjoy it anymore. Plus there are enough young people looking desperately for jobs anyways!

    I´d love to have time to edit and sort all my pics, to read good books and have a walk in the park. Our lives are so full of hectic, I´d like to slow down sometimes and when it´s time to just enjoy, I´d love to.

    At my customer (Volkswagen) people can choose to retire at age 54!!! That makes me kinda jealous! They have enough money and are superfit to travel the world!

    But to people who lost their partner (like my Mum) it´s more like falling into a deep hole of loneliness when retiring…
    She is lucky and can visit her workplace (my Bro´s shop now) anytime and have a bit of smalltalk with staff and customers.

    Let´s see how the world has changed when we come to that age to say good-bye to the job-world!
    .-= Iris´s last blog ..Cuba Pics Online =-.

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