What’s Your View on WikiLeaks?

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been arrested in Britain after an international warrant was issued for him last week, London’s Metropolitan Police said. – ABC News

I’m sure that there are many points of view regarding WikiLeaks and its recently arrested founder Julian Assange. Some believe that releasing previously confidential documents will aid in openness and accountability. They would say that we as the people of democratic countries have the right to know what our elected governments are doing. Others are going as far as saying that publishing classified military documents online amounts to treason and that lives have been put at risk.

What do you think? Can there even be a simple answer or are you still unsure what to think of the revelations that have hit the internet and our news services recently?

Well over 500 mirror sites have already been created for WikiLeaks so the information being released isn’t about to go away any time soon.

Closer to home

The whole situation has me thinking a little closer to home. Do we have the right to know everything? Are there reasons that things should be kept from us? If so, who should make the decision about what is out in the open and what is kept confidential?

Should we expect to know everything that goes on in our workplace, even when it doesn’t concern us? Should boards of management, CEOs and others in senior positions reveal everything about their dealings with everyone inside and even outside the company? Would you be happy to have your employment records and complete pay details online for all to see? I imagine that it wouldn’t bother some people but others would find it a little more concerning.

It seems interesting to me that at the same time that many are calling for greater privacy there is a great deal of support to reveal government details. There was a huge uproar when people felt that Facebook didn’t regard their privacy highly enough. Now we want to expose private conversations between heads of state which may have far greater consequences.

Caught in between

To be honest, I’m caught in between. I think there should be a great deal of openness and accountability within government, especially when those governments are acting on our behalf, but on the other hand, I think there’s a lot to be said for electing a government and then handing over the responsibility of government to those we have chosen to represent us.

Getting personal

Making it even more personal, I’m glad that every conversation I have, every email I write and every thought that goes through my mind isn’t splashed across the web. I try to keep my conversations honourable but I know that sometimes I mess up and say things that should never have left my lips. I’m glad that some people don’t hear those words. When I’m writing emails I do my best to be careful with what I say but I must admit that I have, on occasion, sent emails which have been less than helpful. When it comes to my thoughts …. I’m ashamed at what goes through my mind at times. I’m glad that between the time I think about something and the time I act on my thoughts I have the opportunity to censor myself and filter my reactions.

I’m glad that every thought, word and deed by every person isn’t displayed around the world. I believe we all need to be careful about the way we conduct ourselves in public or in private. We need accountability. We need transparency and openness. But I’m wondering if in calling for confidential details of government conversations to become public property, we’re holding others to a standard we would refuse to be held to ourselves.

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World’s Greatest Kevin Bacon Fan

Don’t you love it when celebrities are happy to be part of a joke at their own expense? Mind you, I guess this time it was Logitech which picked up the expenses.

This is such a brilliant advertisement. Well done to Logitech and Kevin Bacon.

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In the Doghouse

Have you ever bought someone the wrong gift? Do you get nervous about choosing something for the special person in your life? How can you be sure you’re buying the right present to pop under the tree?

I posted this last year but figure that as we get closer to Christmas it’s worth another look.

How can you stay out of the doghouse this Christmas?

This is a very funny video which is part of a campaign by JCPenny. While I’d hate to portray Christmas as simply being about buying expensive gifts, this clever piece of writing and acting will hopefully bring some light relief to the task of shopping for those you love.

If you’re a guy who has ever bought the ‘wrong gift’ or you simply want to stay out of the doghouse, you need to know the secrets contained in this video.

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Dreaming of a Scorching Hot Christmas

White Christmas? A Winter Wonderland? Not here in Australia.

Down under we generally have a hot Christmas day and it’s brilliant.

I hope you enjoy the video above which I found at My Jarrol Spot.

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We’re off to Bethlehem

RTB.jpgAre you interested in travelling the Road to Bethlehem?

We’ve been to visit the Road to Bethlehem production each December for several years but things are now a little bit different. Our daughter Emily, son James and I will be taking part once again as members of the acting cast. We play …. well …. a family.

The Road to Bethlehem is a remarkable portrayal of the Christmas story in the form of a free, interactive, dramatised experience featuring dozens of actors and singers.

The idea is that you’re taken back in time to witness the events of the first Christmas as they unfold, providing a unique entertainment experience that the whole family enjoys.

Instead of sitting down and watching a show, you walk from scene to scene as you travel to your destination, the stable. Live animals, great humour and some wonderful angelic choirs add to the experience.

Before and after you’ve trod the Road to Bethlehem you can spend time in the welcome area where you’ll be entertained, take part in craft activities or even buy a meal.

Road to Bethlehem is hosted each year by the Livingston SDA Community Church in Canning Vale. It runs for three nights each year. It’s on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, the 13th, 14th and 15th of December. It starts at 7 o’clock each night and there’s free parking across the road at Livingston Marketplace Shopping Centre.

I’d love to see you there. If you want to know more about the event just click the play button on the audio player below to hear my interview with David Shaw, one of the organisers of Road to Bethlehem.


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