After yesterday’s exploding rim episode, I thought that today’s bike ride would be a lot less eventful …. and it was …. until about 7 or 8 kilometres from home.
I don’t know too much about how the human body works but in my case I know that my eyes see stuff, tell my brain about it, and then my brain sorts out what to do with the information before telling any other body parts whether they need to get involved.
Today was different. Today as I was cycling home along a bike path my eyes saw a snake laying across the other side of the pathway. Instead of telling my brain what they’d just seen, my eyes communicated directly with my legs. My legs suddenly went into hyper-speed while my mind was left asking, “What’s going on? Why the rush?” It was at that point that my eyes informed my brain of what was laying on the ground. My brain responded by saying, “Fine. Good idea to tell the legs about this one. And now I’ll help out by contributing a little extra adrenaline.”
I’m not the world’s greatest sprinter but at that very moment, I could have challenged any of cycling’s elite and given them a run for their money.
I should point out that I’m not terrified of all snakes. I have held snakes and enjoyed the experience. The difference is that I knew that those snakes weren’t capable of causing me a nasty injury or death. As for the snake on the path, I have no idea what his story might be. He may well have been harmless but I wasn’t hanging around to ask him.
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I started laughing at paragraph two because I could just tell what was coming.
That’s so amazing how the body works. I get a shot of adrenaline each time my neck goes into spasm and I’m immediately nauseous, so weird!! Then it all relax again and I’m fine.
Haha! I got a new snake for Christmas! She’s a Murray Darling Python.