Turn Back Time

I’m sure that most of us have thought about being able to travel in time. I must admit I haven’t spent a lot of time thinking about it but it certainly crosses my mind now and then.

Today I’d like to ask a simple question.

Imagine that you’re able to travel back in time and re-live just one day of your life.

Would you return to a happy day you’d like to enjoy all over again or would you go back to a day you regret to right a wrong?

If you’re game enough you might even like to say which day you’d re-live.

I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments section of this post.

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • I would like to do both. Return to a time when I made the first choice to view porn and tell myself, “Don’t look.” I would like to return to a not so good time when I made a poor choice and still regret it. I would like to return to a time when I first made the choice to trade a very good car for one that was also good but bigger and tell myself, “You are going to start a trend here that you will continue for over 30 years.” I would return to a time when I kept playing basketball and permanently caused back damage that could have been diverted if I had quit. I would also return to the times of my wedding, the birth of my two girls, and grandson. I would like to return to the time when I first fell in love with cycling and tell myself, “should have started sooner then you could have quit basketball sooner.” lol My favorite movie is Back to the Future so I love a post like this. Thanks Rodney.

    • Great response.

      I must admit that I really enjoy movies like Back to the Future where people have to come to terms with stuff that other generations take for granted but cause confusion for those who encounter them for the first time.

      Maybe I would return to my very young years and learn to ride a bike before I reached the age of 16. I know I’ve made up for a lot of those missed cycling years (and more) but there are cycling skills I wish I had that could have only been developed if I’d learned earlier.

  • I would like to travel back in time, although not that long ago but it still seems like a distant memory to when myself and a certain person I believe the name could be Rodney, used to do group rides on our bikes.

    Seriously, I prefer to travel into the opposite direction; forward in time first then go back (I’m always different to the herd) Find out which stocks went up, which horse won the Melbourne cup etc… get the picture, then return back.

    There’s nothing impossible any more in this World in which we exist… first dream, then believe and then you can achieve (sounds like a book title in there somewhere). Beam me up Rodney or should that be, beam me back in time.

    Regards Mike.

  • I´d like to go back to the day I decided to study… and choose a better thing! Now that I´m forced to find a new job, I see how bad my choice really was.
    I´d also like to go back nine years and find a better hospital for my Father – he might´ve lived to see his Grandchild.
    And I also would love to spend another day in my Nissan Patrol travelling your beautiful place with my Spouse 🙂

    Also love Back to The Future! Such a fascinating subject!

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