The RAC in Western Australia is calling for motorists and cyclists to work together to make the roads safer for all road users.
The results of their recent cycling survey showed that 91% of respondents highlighted their fear of sharing the road as one of the major barriers to getting on their bikes. There’s been a surge in cycling since Cadel Evans became the first Australian to win the Tour de France but to truly capitalise on the renewed interest in two wheeled transportation, cyclists need to feel safer.
This morning during the Morning Café on 98.5 Sonshine FM I spoke to RAC Head of Advocacy Matt Brown about the survey.
RAC cycling survey results:
57% rate Perth’s cycle network as average or below
91% of cyclists fear sharing the road with motorists
31% say the social acceptability/status of cycling is a barrier to them cycling
35% believe the government should build more cycle lanes on roads
27% would like to see more bike/shared paths built
Are you a cyclist who fears traffic? What do you think should be done to get more people out on their bikes?
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I would fear riding in Australia because you Aussies drive on the wrong side of the road! J/k. I have the same thing here Rodney. To get where I want to go I invariably have to travel some well-traveled state roads. it is scary when I can hear the engines of the big trucks coming and wonder if they see me or are too busy doing something else. I realize that every time out riding could be my last. But if I lived in fear I would also be paralyzed. one thing I think needs done here (and there?) is better laws protecting the cyclist and stiffer penalties for those who disregard our “right” to the road.
I totally agree. The sound of big trucks is always a warning to take extra care. It’s a balance of doing what we can to stay safe and taking considered risks so that the danger of living a full life doesn’t paralyze us.