Dear Winter


Dear Winter

I’m so sorry that I left you. Summer seemed so enticing and warm, hot even, but I was wrong to leave you. I know that now.

Sure, you were cold at times but at least you didn’t flare up all the time like Summer does. Spending time with Summer leaves me feeling drained and tired. Back when we were still together, Summer made promises, but the reality is so different to what I imagined.

I fell for the oldest trick in the book. When I was with you the grass seemed greener elsewhere, but with Summer, there is no green grass. Nothing’s green. It’s all brown and crunchy.

I’m not saying that there haven’t been great times with Summer. Some evenings have been amazing but Summer’s gentle warmth gives way to an incredible harshness when the next day arrives. I expected endless excitement but I’ve got to admit, I’ve been burnt. I can’t sleep. I just lay awake thinking about you.

Winter, I know it’ll still be some time until you feel ready to take me back but right now I’m yearning for you. In the mean time you may hear stories that I’m still with Summer. Let me assure you that’s not my fault. I want Summer to go but you have no idea how clingy Summer can be.

Before I return to you it’s likely you’ll hear rumours that I’m with Autumn but believe me, I’m coming back to you.

Yours truly


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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • So well done and so true. I think many of us have the same feelings and hope winter will forgive us and come back soon.

  • Let’s see you are in Australia so that means you are now in summer since we are in winter. I just dug out from 13 inches of snow. Want to trade? Any time. Any day. I will take summer all year ’round. The only thing winter does is give my body a semi-chance to recover from cycling and to gain a few pounds from said non-cycling and weight-lifting instead. Maybe if you have some internships available for a few months?

    • I keep trying to think of ways of getting you down here. 🙂

      We had a string of days of temperatures in the low 40s which was up around 110 F. Not a lot of fun when your air conditioner refuses to work. Do you know how to fix evaporative air conditioners? Maybe I should fly you in to sort it out. 🙂

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