Marketing Misery


In the wake of the Boston bombings I’m left asking what kind of sickness drives a person to create fake stories that feed off disaster? What could possible push a person to crave attention so much that they use a tragedy to manipulate social media to get noticed or even create profit?

Within hours of the Boston Marathon explosions I was seeing friends sharing tragic stories of love and loss via social networking sites. The sad thing was, the stories weren’t true. Other, less honourable people had devised stories to take advantage of the bombings and to manipulate good people into sharing their cruel creations online.

It wasn’t that the people that were sharing the stories were naive or gullible, it’s that they were trusting and it never entered their minds that someone could be so callous as to make up stories that would feed on the misery of others. My friends had acted in good faith. Those who had created the stories were feeding off the misery of others.

The death of innocence

Hundreds of thousands of people shared the picture of a small girl who supposedly died in the blasts. She wasn’t even there. It was the photo of a young, very much alive, young girl. I can only imagine the kind of damage that will cause her and her family.

Love lost

Many others shared the story of the man who lost the love of his life before he had a chance to propose. The story said he was going to propose to his girlfriend after the marathon. It even had a picture of him kneeling over her lifeless body. The picture was real but it was actually a guy helping a stranger after the explosion. She didn’t die either.

Some people took the opportunity to create Twitter accounts or to register domains to either cash in on tragedy or stroke their sick egos. I’m also now receiving spam emails with titles like, “Boston Explosion Caught on Video”, “2 Explosions at Boston Marathon” and “Video of Explosion at the Boston Marathon 2013”, all designed to use people’s natural interest in the tragedy to get them to click o links that will compromise their computers.

It’s so sad to think that today’s “what’s in it for me” generation has gone beyond simply being self seeking to becoming oblivious to the suffering of other people.

Check before posting
While it’s yet another reminder for all of us to check details before we share anything on social media, it’s also concerning to see this developing trend of people being prepared to ignore their conscience to further their own interests. Shocking when you realise that those interests are often just about seeing a fake story shared or liked across the world.

If you’re looking for a way to check some of the stories that you see on social media let me recommend Snopes and Hoax Slayer. A quick visit to either of those sites should confirm whether a story is true or not.

There’s good news too

Thankfully there’s good news coming out of social media use too. The vast majority of people around the world have been using social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter to keep others informed, offer help, and to encourage others to pray. Then there are stories like the one where a Melbourne Dad praises Facebook for helping to find his daughter after Boston bombings.

Directed away from the area by police and without a mobile phone Mr Phillips had no way of contacting Annabel or his wife, Suzy – until a kind stranger offered him their phone, and he was able to leave a message for them on Facebook.

If you want to find out more about some of the stories being shared check out Some of the most emotional Boston marathon stories are fake.

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Farewell George Beverly Shea

GBSCanadian born American gospel singer and hymn composer George Beverly Shea has passed away at the age of 104 after a brief ilness. He leaves behind his wife, Karlene, and his children from his first marriage, Ronald and Elaine. His first wife, Erma, died in 1976.

Shea was taught to play the violin by his father, and the piano and organ by his mother. Shea’s deep resonant baritone voice brought early recognition and provided many opportunities for him to sing in his father’s church. He began singing at religious meetings in the Ottawa Valley. – Wiki

He was well known for singing to millions of people as part of Billy Graham’s worldwide evangelistic campaigns.

Shea sang at the unofficial launching of Graham’s crusades in the old Armory in Charlotte, North Carolina in November 1947. His first song was “I Will Sing the Wondrous Story.” In the early days of his association with Graham, Shea earned a wage for each meeting.

Since the beginning of Graham’s crusade ministry Shea and Cliff Barrows have been the nucleus of the crusade musical team. Barrows is choir director, platform emcee and radio-television program director. They were joined in 1950 by pianist Tedd Smith, and through the years organists Don Hustad and John Innes have provided additional accompaniment.

As the musical mainstay in Graham’s crusades, Shea is often called “America’s beloved Gospel singer.” – Wiki

Much of his music is still available today.

The hymn that proved to be a favourite by many was his rendition of How Great Thou Art. Here’s a video of him performing at a Billy Graham crusade back in 1969.

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Cirque Du Soleil – OVO


Pauline and I were privileged to be guests at the opening night of Cirque du Soleil’s OVO on Sunday night. It’s difficult to judge the Cirque du Soleil shows against each other but I reckon that Ovo is my new favourite. I think I’ve seen about four of Cirque Du Soleil shows.

OVO is a headlong rush into a colourful ecosystem teeming with life, where insects work, eat, crawl, flutter, play, fight and look for love in a non-stop riot of energy and movement. The insects’ home is a world of biodiversity and beauty filled with noisy action and moments of quiet emotion.

When a mysterious egg appears in their midst, the insects are awestruck and intensely curious about this iconic object that represents the enigma and cycles of their lives.

It’s love at first sight when a gawky, quirky insect arrives in this bustling community and a fabulous ladybug catches his eye – and the feeling is mutual.

OVO is overflowing with contrasts. The hidden, secret world at our feet is revealed as tender and torrid, noisy and quiet, peaceful and chaotic. And as the sun rises on a bright new day the vibrant cycle of insect life begins anew.

I posted an update on Facebook during the intermission. “I’m sure that most of the performers are aliens. The thing they’re doing are not humanly possible. Incredible.” It’s hard to believe that the human body can bend into so many different shapes. I reckon that I could probably force my body to bend like that if I had my skeleton removed. The performers were absolutely amazing.

Check out this video for a sample of the amazing show.

The action is so fast that I reckon that even if you went a couple of times you’d still miss bits and pieces. We get so spoiled in this TV age don’t we? Have you ever found yourself wanting to freeze frame a real life moment or watch something you’ve just seen again in slow motion? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our brains were all fitted with hard drive recorders? I guess they are in a way … that’s where memory comes in to play … but sometimes it’d be great to see things again. I felt a bit that way watching OVO. There were times when it would have been good to be able to rewind and slow the action down a bit.

The costumes and the set were incredible and gave the performance a wonderful sense of the surreal. It all combines to transport you to another world.

If you get the chance to go and see OVO make sure you grab it with both hands.

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Brennan Manning Dead


American author, friar, priest, contemplative and speaker, Brennan Manning, born Richard Francis Xavier Manning, has passed away aged 78. He had battled failing health in recent years.

Born and raised in Depression-era New York City, Manning finished high school, enlisted in the US Marine Corps, and fought in the Korean War. When Manning returned to the United States, he enrolled at Saint Francis University in Loretto, Pennsylvania. Upon his graduation from the seminary in 1963, Manning was ordained a Franciscan priest.

In the late 1960s, Manning joined the Little Brothers of Jesus of Charles de Foucauld, a religious institute committed to an uncloistered, contemplative life among the poor. Manning transported water via donkey, worked as a mason’s assistant and a dishwasher in France, was imprisoned (by choice) in Switzerland, and spent six months in a remote cave somewhere in the Zaragoza desert.

In the 1970s, Manning returned to the United States and began writing after confronting his alcoholism. – Wiki

His books touched many lives and had a profound impact on the way many people lived out their faith. The Ragamuffin Gospel: Good News for the Bedraggled, Beat-Up, and Burnt Out became a classic.

The Ragamuffin Gospel is a popular book about Jesus’ gospel by former Franciscan priest Brennan Manning. First published in 1990, the title was the inspiration for Christian musical artist Rich Mullins’ group a Ragamuffin Band. Songwriter musician Michael W. Smith’s glowing review in the foreword supports Manning’s simple concept that perhaps the most important tenet of Christianity was grace. Manning argues that Jesus’ gospel was one of grace, and that efforts to earn salvation are impossibly misguided.- Wiki

I recently read The Furious Longing of God, a book described as, “a love story for the brokenhearted. For those who are burdened by heavy religion. For those who feel they can never measure up. It is a provocative and poignant look at the radical, no-holds-barred love of our Heavenly Father.”

He is quoted as saying, “The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians who acknowledge Jesus with their lips and walk out the door and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.”

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Do you need more sleep?


How are you feeling today? A little weary? Are you getting enough sleep?

While some of us never seem to be able to get enough sleep, there are some people, like tech entrepreneur Ruslan Kogan who works 20 hours a day, firing off emails to staff at all hours. Australia’s Ex-Prime Minister Kevin Rudd often ran on just three hours sleep, particularly at the height of the global financial crisis.

With the ever increasing pressures of life many of us wish that we could spend less time sleeping and more time getting things done. But is that healthy?

I spoke to Professor Shantha Rajaratnam, President, Australasian Sleep Association on radio this morning.

There are a small number of Australians, who through a combination of lifestyle and biological factors, can function (if not at their peak) on an extremely small amount of sleep.

“There’s a range of what we call habitual sleep durations in the population,” says Professor Shantha Rajaratnam, the president of the Australasian Sleep Association. While some people may cope a little better when they’re sleep deprived, it’s often more driven by lifestyle and environmental factors, Prof Rajaratnam says. –

You can click the play button on the audio player at the bottom of this post to listen to our conversation.

How many hours of sleep do you get each night? Is it enough or are you constantly tired?

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