I’ve Been Framed


When I reached that certain age when eyes just don’t do what they always did I was disappointed, but little did I realise it would just be an opportunity to indulge in some great ‘face fashion’.

After my recent eye test I needed to order new glasses so I headed straight to the Sneaking Duck website. I had my eye on a pair of Due Diligence frames for a while and finally, with prescription in hand, I could make my order. Not many days later my new glasses arrived …. along with a small duck. (Click the photo above for a closer look.)

Fashion’s a funny thing (not that I’m an expert on fashion by any stretch of the imagination) because we like to be seen wearing the current look, without wearing exactly the same as everyone else. That’s where Sneaking Duck wins every time. Their designs are definitely fashionable but not mass produced, so you’re not likely to turn up somewhere wearing the same frames as every other person in the room.

We love cool frames and we love having a pair for every mood. We’re tired of having one mega-expensive pair we wear until they break. In just a few clicks, Sneaking Duck allows you to build a wardrobe of frames to match every outfit.

Sneaking Duck was founded by Mike, Michael, Mark and Jodie.

Mike, Michael and Jodie wear glasses pretty much all the time, and they have a pair of frames for every look. In their business travels they’d ritualistically dedicate time to buying new frames – designs were exciting, prices were great and it made them the coolest nerds in the lab.

I think I might have to look at some prescription sunnies next time.

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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