National Day of Thanksgiving 2015


Have you ever noticed how good it feels when someone gives a simple but heartfelt thank you? A simple acknowledgement can lift our spirits and give us a greater reason to keep going and to increase our efforts.

We know what a difference it can make to our attitude and how it can really lift us, which makes me wonder why we don’t make more of an effort to thank others.

Who is there in your life who deserves to be thanked?

Today, Saturday the 30th of May, Australians are invited to celebrate the National Day of Thanksgiving . The day was first celebrated on the 17th of June in 2003 and has been endorsed by the Prime Minister, Leader of the Opposition and the Governor General.

It’s simply a day to say thank you. The official website emphasises that this isn’t just another event, but an opportunity to thank those who help make up our community.

The National Day of Thanksgiving is a unique opportunity for Australians to celebrate and give thanks for our God given heritage as a nation, and to demonstrate the values of honour, respect, thankfulness and gratitude towards our fellow man.

It is a day for Australians to pause as a nation and say thank you to God, and to each other for those many things we often take for granted, those things that really make our lives worth living. Let us use this Day each year to be a blessing to those who have been a blessing to us.

Who will you be thanking? Maybe you can give the local police a call to thank them for the tough work they do within our community. What about hospital workers? Do you know someone who provides a service the community that deserves a pat on the back?

How about someone at work who makes your day easier but often misses out on any recognition?

Is there someone in your family that deserves some thanks for the unseen things they do that help things run smoothly at your place?

When was the last time you said thanks to God for the gift of life itself?

Even though this is an Australian initiative, you don’t have to be living down under to take a few moments to reflect on those people who deserve to hear you say thank you.

Each year, as well as giving opportunity for us to thank the many people who make our lives and society better, we’re asked to focus on specific sectors of the community. There two groups in focus in 2015.

Fathers, Father Figures, and Mentors. They play such an important role in our lives and particularly the lives of our children.

Also those who work in the field of Finance, especially people working in Finance departments of Not-for-Profit Organisations and Charities. Bookkeepers, Accountants, Bank Staff, Treasurers of Sporting and Social groups, and people working in Financial Support areas and Debt Counselling.

Who will you be thanking today?

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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