Lauren sings again

In July last year I posted a link to a video of Lauren singing the song Sister by Sarah Bettens. As I said then that she has a great voice that needs to be heard a lot more. Lauren’s blog, Please Make Rice. I Love You!, is one of my regular reads.

It seems that she’s recently co-written and recorded a song with a few friends. You can watch the video clip they’ve made for ’45’ by clicking the play button on the embedded player in this post. I hope you enjoy her music and her voice as much as I do.

If you do like what you hear, please consider posting a link to her video on your own blog. Let’s help Lauren get the audience she deserves.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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I was in the other room

As you may have picked up recently, I’ve become a great fan of jazz singer, pianist, Diana Krall. I started seriously listening to her music on the way back from India. Pauline and I went to her concert on Friday night and I intend buying her latest album , Girl in the Other Room as soon as I can afford it. (Which will probably be 2007)

Unfortunately, last night it was me who was in the other room.

There was a Diana Krall concert on SBS Television last night which I wanted to video. It started at 10:00pm. I was busy elsewhere and at around 10:30 I was hit with the sudden realisation that I’d just missed half of the concert. Maybe if I save really hard I can get the CD and the DVD of the concert by 2008.

I’m looking forward to sitting down, turning up the stereo, and watching the half hour of the concert that I did manage to video.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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