The Withdrawal Symptoms are Gone

I finally made it out for my regular Saturday morning ride today. With a range of things coming up on Saturdays past, I haven’t joined the bunch for about a month.

It felt good to catch up with the regulars and put in a good ride. We even had a former world cycling champion and Olympian with us this morning.

Of course it’s always nice to finish off with a good coffee. The long black and chocolate chip muffin went down very well.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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Who said Jehovah?

I had one of our regular Jehovah’s Witness visits this morning. There must be a Kingdom Hall nearby because they’re constantly at our door. We ususally send them away with a polite ‘no thanks’.

This morning was different. The gentleman who knocked on our door stood there smiling. Not usually the case. He saw that I was dressed in my bike gear and asked if I was just about to head off to work.

I told him I was and he started telling me that he used to ride his bike to work. (He looked as if he’d been retired a few years.) He then asked if I had showering facilities at work. He asked how far I ride. He told me where he used to work and I commented on the big hill he would have had to climb to get there.

We had a short but very interesting conversation. He paid attention when I told him I wasn’t interested in him reading his Bible to me and instead told me that I should look up a certain passage when I got to work or when I returned home. (I had already told him that I read the Bible – and the BIKE FOR BIBLES emblazoned across my cycling gear probably made him believe me.) He then left it at that without being pushy. I looked up the passage. (Romans 15:4)

He would never have swayed my thinking to agree with the theology of the Jehovah’s Witnesses nor would he change my thoughts on the majority of the JW followers …. but he did change my view on just one of them.

I have no doubts that this guy would be one of their best evangelists because he was interested in what interested me. He wasn’t pushy. He was friendly. He didn’t simply try to push his own agenda.

I waved goodbye to him as I cycled down my street later and saw him returning to his car.

Who says we can’t learn anything from the JWs?

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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Will the real Jesus please stand up?

I was visiting Phil Baker’s blog and followed the link to this article about the variety of Jesus’s people worship.

While I’m sure that the article was written for the sake of humour, I think it helps us consider something deeper. Are we really worshipping Jesus or our own shallow interpretation of who he is?

I think as soon as we have our idea of who Jesus is locked away in our minds we start worshipping an idol. We must avoid the temptation to ‘create God in our own image’.

We will never get a true handle on who Jesus is this side of eternity.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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Therapeutic Website

David from Scuttlebutt pointed me in the direction of this Bubblewrap website.

You need to try it for yourself.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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Sad Time for Funny Guy

I’ve been a big fan of Weird Al Yankovic for many years, so it was pretty sad to read a story that says that his parents have both died.

THE elderly parents of Grammy-winning recording artist “Weird Al” Yankovic have been found dead in their home, apparently from carbon monoxide poisoning.

Nick and Mary Yankovic were found on Saturday by relatives who were worried because they had not seen the couple for some time.

Paramedics found Mr Yankovic, 86, in a chair in the living room. His wife, 81, was on the bathroom floor.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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