What’s it all About?

I went to the city on Friday night armed with video camera. A friend and I got reactions from a number of people on their thoughts about Christmas.

It’s now professionally edited down to a 6 minute DVD we’ll show as part of our Christmas service on Thursday.

Some great comments. One guy, with a great sense of humour and a deadpan delivery, told us that he was eating up big to get into training for Christmas Day. He said, “You’ve got to know when to push, when to hold back, when to take on fluids.” He went on to explain that the fluids help to avoid dehydration and to lubricate the aesophegus. His preferred lubricant for Christmas Day is beer.

A group of three young people told us that Christmas is the same as Easter – only with chocolate. They also showed us that they had purchased a “Black Super Jesus Action Figure” at a hippie shop in Fremantle.

A young guy in a santa suit rtied to tell us that Christmas was all about free giveaways from the Vodaphone Shop. He tried to lure us into the store with a hearty Ho Ho Ho.

We even met a guy who explained how to get a free coffee at McDonalds. You simply wait until someone else finishes their cup and walks off. You then go and get the free refill, thus saving yourself $1.50.

We also had a couple of people who gave the ‘correct’ answers. We were told that “Jesus is the Reason for the Season.” I don’t know that he’d be too keen on claiming all that goes on in his name but it’s good to at least a couple of people with something Christian to say.

It’s very late notice but if you’re in the Perth area and want a dub of the DVD to show on Thursday, email me pronto and I’ll arrange it. It will be used as a springboard for the pastor’s sermon in our case but you may like to use it to add some humour and to provoke a few thoughts as part of your service.

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What's the Attraction?

Yes I know, it’s been days since I’ve posted anything. Yes, I’m into the Christmas rush period.

Something has been intriguing me recently. What is the big attraction for the non-churched with Carols by Candlelight?

I know that it’s nice to be wih family and be at an outdoor event and all that, but let’s look at it. Thousands upon thousands of people who are not interested in anything the ‘church’ has to offer for the other 364 days of the year, will turn up at a park to sing ‘outdated’ songs about a religion they don’t believe.

I find it interesting that most of our churches want the latest and greatest music each Sunday to ‘attract people’, – (Yes I know it’s not just to attract people. Many believe they are using the best methods possible to worship God.) – yet what brings people together is an event featuring music that is centuries old. Have we misjudged what people want?

I already have a number of ideas as to why these events attract people – (And some aspects still baffle me.) – but I want to hear from others. Please drop in a comment.

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The Video

I was chatting to a freind yesterday who is interested in my recent ride across the country. He wants to see the 3.5 minute video clip of the ride so he’s dropping over soon to grab a copy and to ride to work with me.

While I can’t hand out a DVD top everyone in cyberspace, I can direct you to bikeforbibles.org where you’ll find several copies of the clip. The site has been put together by one of the guys who did the ride and has all kinds of interesting info.

Have a look for yourself and let me know what you think of our epic journey.

I’ll let you know when the hour long documentary is finished and when it will hit our TV screens.

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Tonight's Finalists Are…

A couple of nights ago it was the end of year modelling concert last night for our 5 year old James where he received a medal for being a finalist.

Last night it was 7 year old Emily’s turn.

Now Emily is very proudly wearing a medal for being one of 11 finalists in her age category. That puts her in the top 20%.

Again, no trophy, but we’re all pretty pleased.

One of the best parts of the whole deal is to see the genuine thrill that they’ve each had congratulating the other. Both of them seemed just as pleased that their sibling had won something, perhaps even more so, than the fact that they had won something themselves. There was lots of hugs and ‘congratulations, I knew you could do it’ type comments exchanged between the two of them. They are both each others greatest fans.

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… And the Finalists Are …

It was the end of year modelling concert last night for our 5 year old James.

He is now very proudly wearing a medal for being one of 5 finalists in his age category. He didn’t end up picking up a trophy but he’s more than pleased that he was one of the best on the night … and so is the rest of the family.

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