Whose Reality is it Anyway?

You’ve got to wonder how empty our lives are when the headlines across the nation are about the latest ‘Reality TV’ show.

I think Idol is probably one the better shows but it’s still just a TV show. Get over it.

I am so opposed to most of the stuff that gets served up under the reality heading. It’s not just the cheap titilation it provides the viewer, I feel the issues run far deeper than that.

Look at stuff like Big Brother. A bunch of people put into a manufactured environment then manipulated by producers and editors. That’s not reality. How can we do this to people? I know the argument is that these people have chosen to be on these programmes but how can they really have any idea what they’re letting themselves into?

The ‘contestants’ on these shows are hungry for fame (acceptance) and the prize money (greed). What they end up with is a ruined life – whether they win or lose.

I can’t bring myself to watch most of these shows (although I have watched some of Idol) because they are distorting and destroying lives for someone else’s entertainment. Why can’t we see that? It’s like throwing Christians to the lions for entertainment. They get destroyed for our viewing pleasure.

I could rave on about this one for ever but I’d better get off my soap box before I fall and hurt myself.

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They Shoot Horses Don't They?

There are lots of things I don’t really understand in life. One of those things is the Melbourne Cup. For goodness sake, why does the whole country get so excited about a bunch of strangely dressed men riding horses. Suddenly everyone’s an expert. Every two bit celebrity is giving their tip and the country gambles away millions of dollars. I really can’t get excited about the whole deal. I can’t tell you who won but apparently the horse is owned by a tuna fisherman from South Australia.

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On The Road Again

Two days off the bike and it was a real pleasure to get back on today for the ride to work. I could have done without the wind trying to push me back home but conditions were perfect otherwise. (Maybe the breeze will still be blowing that way when I head home.)

I must admit I’m finding it a bit hard trying to get back into ‘normal life’ (whatever that is) after returning from a ride across Australia. I cycled in a team from Perth, Western Australia, to Hobart, Tasmania. 4233.77km in 32 days. I’m glad my work isn’t strictly 9 to 5. I don’t think I could handle that right now.

The good thing about coming back home is that I’m with my family again. I missed them like you wouldn’t believe while I was away. It’s good to have somewhere to come back to.

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Does It Look OK?

I think I’ve got things sorted out.

I guess that means I should introduce myself. My name is Rodney and I live in Perth, Western Australia.

The loves of my life are God, my gorgeous wife, my adorable kids and cycling.

I’m sure this blog will take its own shape so I won’t predict anything at this early stage.

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The Dreaded First Post.

I’m sure it’ll all work out. I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it. I’m sure I’ll be able to post stuff that’s not about trying to work out the technical side of blogging.

I’m just trying to set up the template so it has the kind of stuff I want on it. Then I’ll get down to business.

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