58: The Film

I saw an amazing movie last week. I had the honour of being at a screening of 58: The Film.

It’s a powerful movie that challenges us to believe that we can end extreme poverty. Over the past few decades we’ve seen dramatic changes to the numbers of people touched by poverty but there’s still a massive job ahead of us. The startling thing is, we have all we need to end poverty. We simply need the will to do something. We need to start taking poverty personally.

58: The Film tells the inspiring true story of the global Church in action, from the slums of Kenya and the quarries of India to the streets of New York. It’s a journey that confronts the brutality of extreme poverty and introduces those who are already living out the true fast of Isaiah 58.

To: 58: The Film is confronting, inspiring and eye-opening—but 58: is so much more. It is our hope that everyone who sees the film will be moved to take action. There are some clear ways for you to get involved with Compassion and 58: partners Micah Challenge and Stop the Traffik.

By visiting the 58: The Film website you can find out how you can be part of a movement to see poverty end in our generation. It’s very easy to run your own screening of the movie which will help mobilise and equip people to do something about the injustices our world is facing.

Today on my Morning Cafe radio program I spoke to Matt Darvas of Compassion Australia about the film and the impact it can have as we play our part in bringing justice to more people around the world.

Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen:
to loose the chains of injustice
and untie the cords of the yoke,
to set the oppressed free
and break every yoke? —Isaiah 58:6

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