Sweet Dreams

Just a few days ago I asked, can you help? Seems the answer was yes.

Thanks to some generous bloggers and blog readers, Mandi Kaye will sleep well tonight. You can check out her new bed in her post Good Slumber is Finally Here.

For those who gave – thanks.

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Can you help?

I don’t know if anyone will respond but I’m going to give this a try anyway.

Mandi Kaye needs a bed and she needs it fairly quickly. You can read more about the need at her post I Need Your Help.

I’ve been sleeping on my couch for the last three months. I had planned to do it indefinitely, but some unforeseen circumstances have come up. Namely – the emergency gall bladder removal surgery I had on Monday. I’ll be heading back home this weekend, and I’m not looking forward to sleeping on a couch while I finish healing.

I know that there are a million great causes and you may have never heard of Mandi Kaye before but can I ask you, beg you, to indulge me on this one and throw even a few dollars her way? There’s a PayPal donate button in the sidebar of her blog.

I’ve been reading Mandi Kaye’s blog, Free to be Me, for quite a while now and so I can assure you that this is a legitimate case.

If you have a blog how about writing a post about the need so that we can get something happening very quickly?

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