Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea

Australia's Biggest Morning TeaAustralia’s Biggest Morning Tea is one of Cancer Council’s leading fundraising events and the largest, most successful event of its kind in Australia. It began in 1994 and since then over $70 million has been raised.

You can play your part by hosting a morning tea for your friends, family or work colleaugues and raising funds to help the fight against cancer.

The official date for Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea is Thursday the 27th of May, but you can host an event any time this month.

Statistics show that 1 in 2 Australians will be diagnosed with cancer before the age of 85 so the need is urgent.

Events Manager from Cancer Council Western Australia, Sascha Arnold, was my guest on 98.5 Sonshine FM this morning. We talked about the work of Cancer Council and how people can get involved in Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea.

Just click the play button on the audio player at the bottom of this post to hear our conversation.


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Guest Posting at John Finkelde’s Blog

I am honoured to have been given the opportunity to contribute a guest post at John Finkelde – leadership life church today.

John Finkelde’s blog is often an eclectic mix of topics and posts that always provide something of interest. Sometimes it’s a good laugh, at other times it’s something that will get you thinking through life’s big picture issues. I love that variety.

John’s the pastor of C3 Church Hepburn Heights. Here’s a little bit more about John, taken from his bio page at the church website.

Perth born and bred, John grew up with a love for all things water – swimming, surfing, snorkelling, fishing, prawning and crabbing.

Now living in a beach side suburb John still loves the water but prefers to eat fish rather than catch it these days.

Currently completing a Masters in leadership, John leads a vibrant, contemporary C3 church in Perth’s northern suburbs.

He has authored two books, Created for Partnership & Raising Great Kids and is currently writing a third, working title Pain Relief.

Married for over 30 years, he and Dianne have two grown children both married but no grand kids … yet!

He loves big skies, vanilla slices, Coldplay, AFL, laughing, redemption, home made muesli, C3 & coffee.

His current obsession is DLSR photography and he would be happier if he owned multiple Canon L lenses.

Last year, while preparing for my week long ride for Cancer Council WA, I interviewed John about his battle with cancer. It really is a compelling story and you can listen to it by clicking the play buttons on the audio players below.

If you’ve dropped in here after reading my post at John’s blog please let me welcome you and invite you to spend some time reading through a few of the posts on my blog. I’d love to say hello so please leave a comment or two on any of the posts you find of interest.

If you’d like to stay in touch with the posts I publish here, you can receive free email updates or subscribe to my RSS Feed.

John Finkelde’s battle with cancer part one.


John Finkelde’s battle with cancer part two.


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Curry Killing Cancer

curry_spices.jpgDon’t you just love it when you find out something you enjoy is doing you good?

I’m always fascinated by the research that comes out every now and then to tell us that things like red wine and dark chocolate are good for your health. I fully embrace those findings.

I’ve had the privilege of visiting India a couple of times and have developed a great love of great curries but is curry good for us?

As you know, I spent all last week cycling for cancer on our ride from Perth to Albany. (By the way, you can still sponsor the ride with your donation to Cancer Council WA by going to the secure donations page.) Now a BBC News report is now telling us that curry can be a weapon in the fight against cancer.

An extract found in the bright yellow curry spice turmeric can kill off cancer cells, scientists have shown.

The chemical – curcumin – has long been thought to have healing powers and is already being tested as a treatment for arthritis and even dementia.

Now tests by a team at the Cork Cancer Research Centre show it can destroy gullet cancer cells in the lab.

I know that curry isn’t the complete answer …. but until a complete answer is found I will dedicate the rest of my life to eating as much curry as I can.

Maybe our next ride for cancer can be in India.

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Perth to Albany – The Final Day

We cycled just over 100 kilometres to make it from Cranbrook to Albany yesterday afternoon. The conditions were cold and sometimes wet but with the end in sight we powered on towards our goal.

We had a wonderful overnight stay at Lilac Cottages, overlooking the water, before four of us got up earl for a little extra cycling up Mt Clarence.

You can still donate to Cancer Council WA by going to the secure donations page.

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Perth to Albany Day Five

Video of the fifth official day of the Perth to Albany ride. Yesterday we cycled from Katanning to Cranbrook.

We cycled around 80 kilometres. We stopped for an amazing afternoon tea at the Tambellup Telecentre.

You can still donate to Cancer Council WA by going to the secure donations page.

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