A beautiful misunderstanding

chocolatehearts.jpgEver notice that some of the best moments in life are the ones we don’t plan?

We were tired. Maybe I didn’t make myself clear. Maybe she just misunderstood. It doesn’t matter really.

My Saturday morning ritual involves cycling with friends then stopping at a coffee shop for half an hour or so of exaggerating our cycling memories while drinking good coffee and eating a muffin or two. Even when we can’t ride we generally turn up at the coffee shop at the regular time to catch up and get our caffeine fix.

Yesterday, the forecast for this morning said there might be a few showers to start the day. Knowing that most of the guys that ride with me on Saturdays aren’t so keen about getting too wet, I figured that we might all just skip the cycling part of things and go directly to the coffee. With that in mind. last night I mentioned to Emily that if it was raining in the morning I’d probably just go for coffee and she could come along if she wanted. That’s the bit that got misunderstood.

It was such a lovely morning. No rain in sight. The sun was thinking about rising as I cycled off towards our meeting point. We had a great ride followed by great coffee. (Though the service seems to get slower each week.)

When I got home, there was my gorgeous 12 year old daughter waiting to go to breakfast with me. As I said, there was a misunderstanding one way or the other.

I could hardly disappoint her, so I quickly showered and changed before we headed off to the Margaret River Chocolate Company in the Swan Valley for breakfast. We found an outdoor table and enjoyed some precious time together over breakfast. I figure we need to do that kind of thing a bit more often. I had such an amazing time. It really was a beautiful misunderstanding.

Do you have some favourite unplanned moments?

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