10 Things You Probably Haven’t Done


Let’s get the conversation going. I want to know about some of the things you’ve experienced that most others haven’t. What are the unique moments of your life?

I thought I’d try to spark things by listing a few things I’ve done that you probably haven’t.

While you may find one or two things on the list that you’ve done I sincerely doubt that you’ve done all ten. 🙂

I’m hoping that you’ll come up with a few of your own in the comments section of this post or that you’ll write a similar post on your own blog or Facebook page and link back here. If you’ve done any of the things on my list let me know.

I’ll just list the ten things and leave it to you. If you have questions about any of the items in the list, feel free to ask.

Ten things I’ve done you probably haven’t

1. Cycled across Australia five times.

2. Escaped a country when rioting and looting in the capital became widespread. (Haiti)

3. Hand fed a rhinoceros.

4. Stood on stage with Mikhail Gorbachev.

5. Cycled from Agra (home of the Taj Mahal) to Delhi in India.

6. Met General ‘Stormin’ Norman Schwarzkopf.

7. Interviewed 2011 Tour de France winner, Cadel Evans.

8. Preached at Cathedral Church of the Redemption in New Delhi, India.

9. Been mentioned at least twice in Australia’s Federal Parliament.

10. Cycled up and down an aisle at K-Mart in Miami, Florida.

So there you are. Now it’s over to you.

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Ten things I've done you probably haven't

So let’s get the conversation going.

I’ve been so busy recently with moving offices that I haven’t had the opportunity to reply to many of the comments readers have left here or get involved in conversations through this blog. I thought I’d try to spark things by listing a few things I’ve done that you probably haven’t.

While you may find one or two things on the list that you’ve done I sincerely doubt that you’ve done all ten. 🙂

I’m hoping that you’ll come up with a few of your own in the comments section of this post or that you’ll write a similar post on your own blog and link back here. If you’ve done any of the things on my list let me know.

I’ll just list the ten things and leave it to you. If you have questions about any of the items in the list, feel free to ask.

Ten things I’ve done you probably haven’t

1.  Cycled across Australia five times.

2.  Escaped a country when rioting and looting in the capital became widespread. (Haiti)

3.  Hand fed a rhinocerous.

4.  Stood on stage with Mikhail Gorbachev.

5.  Cycled from Agra (home of the Taj Mahal) to Delhi in India.

6.  Met General ‘Stormin’ Norman Schwarzkopf.

7.  Interviewed at least seven Australian Idol finalists and winners.

8.  Preached at a cathedral in India.

9.  Been mentioned at least twice in Australia’s Federal Parliament.

10. Cycled up and down an aisle at K-Mart in Miami, Florida.

So there you are. Now it’s over to you.

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