Organic Church

Together with his wife Mary, author and speaker Milt Rodriguez has been involved with a number churches and ministries from the Jesus People, to the charismatic movement, denominational, non-denominational, pentecostal, fundamental, and evangelical movements and churches.

For the last couple of decades Milt and Mary have been working in what some people call the “house church movement”.

In 1990 they moved to Northern California and started a few “house churches”. These are groups where all the believers are encouraged and taught to function as the Body of Christ in the gatherings. The meetings are very informal and casual and anyone and everyone can share what the Lord has been teaching them.

We are experiencing a steady decline in traditional church attendance.

Christians are “church-hopping”, hoping to find the reality of Christ’s headship and the vitality of Body Life. We are discovering His leadership and Body vitality in our living rooms as we gather to worship, encourage, and build each other up. Are we perfect? Are we always right? Of course not! But we are in process.

Together we are discovering freedom in Christ and a unity that supports a practical life of expressing Him.

Our fellowship extends beyond our gathering times and spills over into daily events. We are a community, not a weekly meeting.

He’s currently in Perth for Infusion 2012, a free conference at ECU Joondalup on Saturday the 6th of October.

Milt has written a number of books looking at organic churches and developing a deeper experience of Jesus Christ.

I recently had the opportunity to chat to Milt about organic churches and his passion to see small house churches develop around the world. I conducted a radio interview with him which you can hear by clicking the play button on the audio player at the bottom of this post.

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