Who will you ask today?

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It’s heart breaking to think that some people believe that death by their own hand is a better alternative than continuing to live.

Losing someone to suicide is such a devastating experience. There’s no chance to talk things through and work towards a solution. It’s an event that fills the rest of your life with so many ‘what if’ questions.

R U OK? is doing something about the tragedy of suicide. They believe that something as simple as a conversation can make a world of difference. That means that you and I can do something that may save someone’s life.

We know that suicide prevention is an enormously complex and sensitive challenge the world over. But we also know that some of the world’s smartest people have been working tirelessly and developed credible theories that suggest there’s power in that simplest of questions – “Are you ok?”

Today, Thursday the 11th of September, has been named R U OK? Day for 2014. It’s a day that reminds us to stay connected to those around us and to make sure that those we love are doing OK in the journey of life.

We want to stop little problems becoming bigger by encouraging all people to help each other through life’s ups and downs. We all experience relationship problems, financial difficulties, stress, illness and death and we can all benefit from the support of those around us.

While R U OK? Day is an Australian initiative, suicide is a world wide tragedy. Who will you reconnect with today? Who needs you to ask if they’re OK today?

While R U OK? Day is today, let’s not only ask people if they’re OK today. Let’s make sure we’re caring for those close to us all year round.

If you are suffering any kind of emotional distress and you feel that you need help, R U OK? Day has resources available to help.

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The Prestige

I finally got it. I started watching the 2006 movie The Prestige on DVD with my son James last night. He fell asleep but I was already hooked so I watched it all the way through.

The movie stars Christian Bale, Hugh Jackman, Scarlett Johansson, Michael Caine and David Bowie. The Prestige explores the rivalry between two magicians. There are clues to what’s going on all the way through the movie but it all comes together in the final moments. It’s only once you’ve seen the end that you can understand many of the earlier scenes.

James was up very early today watching the last bit of the movie which he missed last night. I happened to see a few seconds of the movie as he watched and I suddenly had an ‘aha’ moment. It all made sense. The pieces fit perfectly.

I enjoyed the movie last night but there were still some questions in my mind. Now I know exactly what was happening. I’d love to watch it all again right from the beginning with my knew understanding of the plot. What a shame the DVD’s due back today.

There are certainly some darker moments in the movie but if you enjoy some mystery and great acting, check it out.

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