25 Passwords to Make Hackers Smile

‘Jesus’ is unlikely to protect your computer. Neither is ‘mustang’ or ‘ninja’. They’re just three of the new passwords to make the top 25 most commonly used passwords this year.

As well as a few new passwords added to the list, most of the old favourites are still there including ‘password’, ‘123456’, ‘qwerty’, iloveyou’ and ‘abc123’. The one I find interesting is ‘trustno1’ which came in at number 12. Obviously they trust hackers if they’re prepared to use such an easy password.If you’re using any of those passwords, get ready to get hacked. You’re making it way to easy for others to compromise your data.

Security software developer Splashdata has released its annual list of the worst — and most common — passwords used on the web in 2012. Worryingly, very little has changed from 2011, where “password”, “123456” and “12345678” are still in the top spots — although Trustwave placed “Password1” in the top three slots last year, whereas it’s a new addition in Splashdata’s version.

In addition, several new arrivals in the top 25 awful passwords are “jesus”, “welcome”, “mustang”, and sadly “ninja”. – ZDNet

You can see the full list of 25 at ZDNet.

If you’re looking for a better solution you might like to try LastPass. It’s a password manager which makes web browsing more secure. I started using it recently and it’s a very handy tool.

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