After putting off a task for way too long I finally got around to it last night. Amazing how much better I felt waking up this morning.
It reminded me of a post I published a couple of years back.
Why do I torture myself? Why do I put things off until the last minute? Why do I ignore the looming deadline?
My name is Rodney and I’m a procrastinator. There, I’ve said it.
So often I will leave tasks that I know I must deal with until the last possible moment. I’ll busy myself with everything but the task at hand. I let myself worry about not having completed what I’m meant to complete. It drives me crazy. The later it gets, the more I worry about it but it still doesn’t move me to act. I know that I’m creating more stress than I need but it doesn’t stop me.
99% of the time, when I finally discipline myself to sit down and get the job done it’s a painless affair. I know that if I did that initially I’d safe myself a lot of grief. Why must I always propel myself towards the rapidly approaching deadline instead of just getting things done early?
Are you a procrastinator or have you developed a get in there and get it done work style? Are you the greatest cause of your own stress?
Why do I put tasks off? Maybe I’m afraid of failure. Maybe I’m afraid of success. Maybe I’m just lazy.
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