Butting Out!

cigarette.jpgIt seems that we’re getting the message.

A News.com.au article is trumpeting the headline Smoking rates halved since 1980.

Just one in five Australians now smoke and the most notorious group, the 18 to 24 year olds, are leading the resistance, with 19 per cent addicted compared to 47 per cent in 1980.

The drop has been seen in both men and women and across all other age groups, including secondary school smokers, reflecting an increasing national intolerance for smoking.

The effects of the drop in numbers of smokers are becoming more and more evident. It’s now a lot easier to come home without stinking of second hand smoke. It’s also a lot easier to avoid lung cancer.

Deaths from lung cancer also continue to drop for men and have levelled out among women.

I have never even taken a puff on a cigarette but I’ve certainly breathed in enough smoke to last a shortened lifetime. My dad smoked heavily while I was growing up and his habit has effected the health of all my siblings and me.

It might have been over thirty years ago but I still remember dad’s early morning smoker’s cough. It would make me feel sick inside. It sounded like dad was about to keel over and die right there and then. Thankfully he gave up eventually but I’m sure it caused irreversible damage that he carried with him for the rest of his life. I know that I’m still carrying the effects of his smoking to this day.

Are you a smoker who’s tried to give up? Maybe you’re an ex-smoker. How did you give the smokes away?

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