Free Software Licenses

Ever hear about an offer that sounds too good to be true? Well here’s one that I’m assured is for real.

For the month of July, an initiative has been developed by BA Software with the support of their partners, friends and members to give away licenses for three software titles.

You can choose between:

Microsoft® Windows Vista UltimateMicrosoft® Windows Vista Ultimate (UPGRADE with SP1)

Adobe Photoshop CS3Adobe Photoshop CS3 (including optional plug-ins, sample files, textures, web swatches and stock photography)

VMware Workstation 6VMware Workstation 6 for Windows

So how do you get yours?

For website owners or bloggers:

If you don’t blog or have your own website:

  • Write at least five quality reviews (or comments) for five distinct software titles listed on the BA Software website.
  • Subscribe to the BA Software website for updates via email.
  • Stumble and review the BA Software article.

Once you’ve finished, send an email to from the same email you used to subscribe to their email updates.

In that email you should include:

  • Where you’ve posted about the offer on your site.
  • Your StumbleUpon nick name.
  • Which one of the three software titles you’d like.

The license for the software will be emailed to you after 48 hours.

I’ll be giving this one a go and I’ll let you know when I get my software.

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