User Name Check

How many web services have you signed up for in the past few years?

From Flickr to Gmail, Blogger, Digg, YouTube, Twitter, StumbleUpon and so many others, you’ve probably got accounts all over the place.

Ever forget some of the services you’ve registered to use? If you generally use the same user name when you sign up, maybe User Name Check can help.

It’s a fairly new service that will check around 70 services to see if your chosen user name is taken or available. As well as telling you where you might have already registered it might help you find a few new services you’d like to start using.

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Video from Haiti

While trawling the Compassion Day website yesterday I stumbled upon a heap of YouTube clips that I hadn’t previously seen.

The clips are taken from our recent trip to Haiti and the one in this post shows the situation outside the Port-au-Prince Compassion office just before a rock came through the window we were standing near.

You may have heard the story of the riots and how close we came to getting caught up in everything there. This video, while still fairly rough, shows a little of the scene before the rock attack.

You can see the beginnings of the crowd heading down the street, some armed with crude weapons.

The next thing you see is the shattered glass in the room where it all happened and then a bit of a debrief between members of the team. Several of us, including me, had a chance to talk over the situation.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on what you see.

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