Congratulations – you're under arrest

A friend of mine recently had his mobile phone stolen and that got me thinking.

I had an idea.

If my mobile phone ever gets stolen I have a plan. I know that a thief is unlikely to answer a stolen phone and even if he does, he’s unlikely to be swayed by my pleading for the phone’s return.

What I’ve decided is that I will borrow someone else’s mobile phone and send myself a text message. I figure a thief will check text messages simply out of curiousity.

The message will be directed to me and say something like, “CONGRATULATIONS Rodney. You are one of our daily winners in the Grand a Day Promotion. To pick up your $1000 cash prize simply present this text message today by 3:00 p.m. to …..” I would then include the address of some local business premises where I would be waiting for the ‘winner’. I would also invite some of the local constabulary to join me when I congratulate them.

What do you reckon? Think it might work?

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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Changing the way you listen to radio

While some radio broadcasters may be feeling threatened by the increasing emergence of alternative listening options, such as online audio and podcasting, at 98.5 Sonshine FM, the radio station where I work, we’re embracing the change.

We’ve finally launched 98.5 Sonshine FM’s Audio On Demand service, giving listeners much greater flexibility in how they listen to their favourite programmes and making a range of content available to people around the globe.

Our General Manager, Barry Grosser, says that the listening audience needs to be heard, “If we want people to listen to us we need to be ready to listen to them. We’ve heard from many people who are unable to listen to some of our programmes at the time of broadcast. It was up to us to find a solution that gave listeners what they wanted. New online technology has given us that solution.”

You now have access to a range of audio features via the website. In addition to being able to listen live online, anyone with a reasonable internet connection can select from a wide range of archived interviews and segments.

Many programme highlights are available to listen to online or to be downloaded for later listening. Listeners can also subscribe to podcasts of various regular programme segments, which means that their favourites will be automatically downloaded to their MP3 Player. Additionally, you can now search for the details of a song or artist that you’ve heard on 98.5 Sonshine FM at any time of the day or night.

Audio On Demand opens up some exciting possibilities in widening the listenership of 98.5 Sonshine FM. People will no longer be locked into listening to programming elements when they are initially broadcast. People from all over the world now have access to weekly segments such as my discussions with Ross Clifford about Spirituality and Belief or Solid Rock’s Heartrock at a time that suits them.

Other programming highlights available will be interviews from specialist segments such as Sunday Celebration and Monday night’s Praise Oz. You’ll also be able to hear a range of segments featuring special guests from my Morning Programme including Joan Grosser from Growing Families, Psychologist and Counsellor Genevieve Milnes, Life Skills Trainer Jill Bonanno, Movie Reviewer Aaron Kamp and several others.

I’m particularly pleased about getting this service up and running because many of the segments that I broadcast will be made accessible to people around the world.

I hope you can take the time to have a look around at the options available and let me know what you think. Let me know if you subscribe to any podcasts or if you find any other segments that interest you.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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A new start

It’s almost time.

Kids all over Western Australia are squeezing the last life out of their school holidays as they look towards starting their studies for another year. Our kids will be back at their desks tomorrow. Emily will move up to Year 6 and James will be a Year 3 in 2007. It’s hard to believe that they’re growing up so fast.

The start of the new school year is a strange time because there’s the disappointment that holidays are coming to an end but there’s also the excitement of being in a new class, catching up with classmates, making new friends.

What were you like on the last few days of your school holidays? Were you the kind of kid who couldn’t wait to get back to school or did you wish that holidays would last forever? What kind of parent are you? Are you looking forward to your kids being back in school to give you a break or do you enjoy having them around? I know that Pauline loves spending time with Emily and James during the holidays and she has once again made sure that the kids have had a wonderful time over the past several weeks.

If your kids are about to start the 2007 school year, I hope that they’re well and truly rested and I especially hope that our teachers have had a good break. School teachers do a magnificent job. I don’t envy them for a moment and they certainly deserve to enjoy their time off.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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Enjoying the moment

If you’re one of the twenty million or so people lucky enough to call yourself an Aussie, how did you celebrate Australia Day?

For us, it was the big Town of Bassendean Australia Day Celebrations on Friday afternoon and evening, a great event that culminated in a massive fireworks display. 98.5 Sonshine FM was once again proud to provide the soundtrack and we were broadcasting live from the venue from four o’clock on Friday afternoon. I joined Arthur Muhl on stage to share the MC duties.

When the lights finally went down and the explosives rocketed towards the stars I was intrigued by a handful of people throughout the crowd who were watching the entire fireworks display through the viewfinders of their video cameras. They were obviously keen to capture the event to watch it later but I wondered at how much they were missing.

A big part of the enjoyment of fireworks is the enormity of it all and it was certainly spectacular to see the sky filling up with so many glorious colours. There’s almost too much to take in even when we can see the entire area of sky that has been transformed into the artist’s canvas. You can have the latest oversized plasma screen on your wall to watch what you’ve videoed but a fireworks display is something you can never fully capture.

By trying to capture something for the future, I reckon those people missed the moment. It’s always wise to think of what’s ahead but if we put everything into the future we miss the present moment.

We can do that in so many areas of life can’t we? We spend so much time working for a better tomorrow that we effectively put our lives on hold.

When was the last time you enjoyed the here and now with your family? When you do spend time with loved ones are you fully with them or is your mind still racing ahead to what you need to do next, your latest work project, plans for career advancement or even the things you want to do around the house? Do you take time out regularly to make sure that you’re not missing the moment?

Like so many things it’s a balance. We don’t want to live only for today but if we only live for tomorrow we’ll eventually find out that tomorrow never comes.

There’s still so much of this year ahead of us. Why not make your mind up to not only take the time to stop and smell the roses but to plant some new roses in 2007? Take the time to tend them and then enjoy their beautiful fragrance with those you love.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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Community of Bloggers

Want to let other people know about your blog? Need advice on some template changes? Want a few ideas for some posts?

Community of Bloggers is a new forum aimed at sharing information and ideas between bloggers.

You can swap experience with other bloggers, trade secrets on how to deal with spam, help others who’ve just started blogging or gain the knowledge you need from those with a little more experience.

You’re free to comment on other posts or to create your own threads with your own questions or observations.

It’s easy to sign up and very easy to find your way around.

The forum has only been going for a very short time but I’ve already discovered some quality blogs that have now been added to my regular reads, and I know that I’ve also gained a few extra readers.

I hope you’ll drop in to the Community of Bloggers forum very soon to have a look around and sign up.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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