A new start

It’s almost time.

Kids all over Western Australia are squeezing the last life out of their school holidays as they look towards starting their studies for another year. Our kids will be back at their desks tomorrow. Emily will move up to Year 6 and James will be a Year 3 in 2007. It’s hard to believe that they’re growing up so fast.

The start of the new school year is a strange time because there’s the disappointment that holidays are coming to an end but there’s also the excitement of being in a new class, catching up with classmates, making new friends.

What were you like on the last few days of your school holidays? Were you the kind of kid who couldn’t wait to get back to school or did you wish that holidays would last forever? What kind of parent are you? Are you looking forward to your kids being back in school to give you a break or do you enjoy having them around? I know that Pauline loves spending time with Emily and James during the holidays and she has once again made sure that the kids have had a wonderful time over the past several weeks.

If your kids are about to start the 2007 school year, I hope that they’re well and truly rested and I especially hope that our teachers have had a good break. School teachers do a magnificent job. I don’t envy them for a moment and they certainly deserve to enjoy their time off.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • Rodney,

    I hope your children enjoy going back to school! Our children here in America have just started the second half of the school year at the first part of this month. My 7 year old had 3 weeks off and I think she had a great deal of fun but she was anxious to get back to school to see friends and her second grade teacher. I think for my wife and I it was a bit of both. More than my daughter going back to school to give “us” a break, it was more about getting back to the routine of everyday life. It brings back a welcomed sense of normalcy. 🙂

  • I graduated a few years ago, But to me going back to school for the start of the year was mixed emotions. Sure you would like the holidays to go longer but there were friends,teachers, and favourite school subjects to look forward to.

    I hope Emily and James have a great year at school Rodney

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