Future Porn Star

I would have a lot to say about this article telling us about t-shirts for toddlers that proclaim them to be future porn stars but Frank Ritchie has already summed up most of my feelings in his post.

In a week when we’ve been hearing about how the sexualisation of our children is so damaging to them and their future, here comes a ‘fashion designer’ who thinks we should start the sexualisation even earlier. That’s just obscene.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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Ring Ring

Last Thursday Jason Backshall from iiNet joined me to reintroduce a radio segment which focusses on computers and all sorts of other new technologies on 98.5 Sonshine FM.

Our second Tech Zone segment was broadcast yesterday. We looked at lowering telephone costs using VoIP technology. We discussed programmes like Skype as well as VoIP services through internet service providers.

If you want to get a few tips on reducing your phone bills you can click here.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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Who's in your mirror?

I don’t usually see him there but he was there this morning.

I was in the bathroom preparing for work earlier today when I happened to glance up at the mirror to see my brother’s eyes looking back at me. It was just for half a second but it was definitely him.

Do you ever catch yourself like that?

I’ve got three brothers and a sister, and every now and then, for just a moment, I notice a feature on my own face that reminds me of one of them. I can look again a second later and it’s gone. I no longer see the similarity.

Sometimes it’s my dad or my mum that I see and I think back to when they were still around.

When it happens it tells me that I’m connected to something bigger than me. I’m part of a family. No matter what my relationship is like with my family (and thankfully we all get on very well) I am still a part of them and they’re a part of me.

Of course the connections don’t stop there. It’s not just my face that carries the connection. Many times I’ve caught sight of Emily’s face or James has looked a certain way and it’s there too. I see my own face reflected in theirs. Sometimes I see my siblings or even their kids in Emily and James.

The wonder of it all is when I see Pauline in our children. Knowing that they’re reflecting Pauline at the same time as they’re reflecting me reminds me even more of the connection that we share.

What about you? Who do you see in your mirror? Do you ever see someone you love staring back at you? Do you see your face reflected in those close to you?

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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Why do men hate church?

Silence, sharing, sitting and singing.

Those are four reasons that men aren’t as likely as women to be found in church on the weekend.

Now, more than ever, there are large numbers of people who consider themselves to be followers of Christ but have given up on church. A lot of those people are men. The scriptures tell us not to give up meeting with other believers but for many, their belief in the God of the Bible doesn’t match up to their experience of church. What are they to do?

Sydney Anglicans published a great article about a month ago about the reasons that men don’t like going to church.

I particularly liked a quote in the article by church planter, Vince Williamson, who likens going to church to the awkward experience of going to a lingerie shop with your wife. “You sit looking for the other men, or enviously through the window to the powertool store across the road. But you can’t go there because you’re holding your wife’s purse!”

The article looks at a range of issues including ‘feminine’ church meeting styles, weak leadership, lack of risk, boredom and a lack of opportunity to get your hands dirty.

Obviously an article like that can only scratch the surface but the subject deserves a closer look. Most churches have a major gender imbalance with women making up 60% or more of the congregation.

My regular Wednesday morning guest on 98.5 Sonshine FM is Ross Clifford is the Principal of Morling College in New South Wales and current President of the Baptist Union of Australia. Each week we chat about a range of issues relating to spirituality and belief.

We looked at some of the issues of men and church this morning. Ross even drew a few lessons from a failed beer commercial. It was interesting to get his perspective on the problems churches face in attracting and engaging men. You can listen to our conversation now by clicking here.

What has your experience been? Are you part of a church that has been able to address the imbalance? Are you a guy who’s given up going to church?

I’d really appreciate your perspective. Please take the time to read through the article and listen to the MP3 of my discussion with Ross and then jot down your thoughts in the comments section below.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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Are you in control of your finances or are your finances controlling you?

We might know him as the smiling face presenting Channel 7 ‘s popular Sunrise programme or as the co-host of Where Are They Now?, but long before the small screen beckoned, David Koch was gaining recognition as a finance expert.

In a survey conducted by Money Management newspaper, his peers named him as one of the 10 most influential people of all time in the financial services industry. He’s written several practical books on family and business financial management and in this week’s New Idea he’s beginning a four part series that’s been dubbed Kochie’s Debt Diet.

He joined me on the phone during my morning radio programme on 98.5 Sonshine FM today. We talked about how to start busting debt and beginning to get ahead financially.

If you’d like to start turning your finances around you might like to listen to what he had to say using the media player below.

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