Who's in your mirror?

I don’t usually see him there but he was there this morning.

I was in the bathroom preparing for work earlier today when I happened to glance up at the mirror to see my brother’s eyes looking back at me. It was just for half a second but it was definitely him.

Do you ever catch yourself like that?

I’ve got three brothers and a sister, and every now and then, for just a moment, I notice a feature on my own face that reminds me of one of them. I can look again a second later and it’s gone. I no longer see the similarity.

Sometimes it’s my dad or my mum that I see and I think back to when they were still around.

When it happens it tells me that I’m connected to something bigger than me. I’m part of a family. No matter what my relationship is like with my family (and thankfully we all get on very well) I am still a part of them and they’re a part of me.

Of course the connections don’t stop there. It’s not just my face that carries the connection. Many times I’ve caught sight of Emily’s face or James has looked a certain way and it’s there too. I see my own face reflected in theirs. Sometimes I see my siblings or even their kids in Emily and James.

The wonder of it all is when I see Pauline in our children. Knowing that they’re reflecting Pauline at the same time as they’re reflecting me reminds me even more of the connection that we share.

What about you? Who do you see in your mirror? Do you ever see someone you love staring back at you? Do you see your face reflected in those close to you?

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • You know how to get people to talk, don’t you? 🙂
    I can’t say that I see others in my own face; but in some of the pictures I’ve taken of my granddaughter (who lives far away from me) I can see my grandfather’s mouth in her mouth. Just the same expression in the mouth! (She also has my nose.) But that mouth surprised me!

  • You can be very, very happy for this experiences!
    My brother and me have “funny noses” and just the two of us in the whole family. We joke around it must have been the postman… Just a joke.

  • I have 4 brothers myself, and 3 of us look quite a bit alike. The only difference between us is what kind of(if any) facial hair we happen to be sporting at the time. Mostly though, I see the rest of my family in some of the things I DO or SAY. Things that used to drive me batty when My mom or stepfather would say them, I now say or do on a fairly regular basis. Great post. I found you via Community of bloggers.


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