Hammer King

I have no idea what they’re saying but surely words aren’t needed in this case. The video is amazing.


Posted by Rodney Olsen

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Give Away Reminder

Just a quick reminder that I’m giving away a copy of The Creation Answers Book.

The Creation Answers Book seeks to give answers to some of the tough questions regarding the origins of our world.

Can we really believe that God exists? What about the evidence for creation taking six days? Is carbon dating reliable? Where do dinosaurs fit in the Bible? If we all descended from Adam and Eve why are there so many races? Doesn’t the physical evidence point towards evolution?

These and so many other questions are tackled and answered in this book which has been put together by Don Batten, David Catchpoole, Jonathan Sarfati and Carl Wieland.

Even if you’re an evolutionist who wants to see how young earth creationists explain their beliefs this book could be worth a look.

Thanks to Creation Ministries International I’ll give away one copy of the book to one of the readers of The Journey. To have a chance to win just leave a comment in the comments section of my post from several days back titled Book Give Away. If you publish a blog you can get an extra entry if you tell others about the competition.

I’ll draw a winner on Thursday the 1st of November. I’ll post the book anywhere in the world.

By the way, if you’re looking for other blog contests, check out Contest Beat. It’s a blog that highlights competitions right across the blogosphere.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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More Smiley Nodders

I noticed this morning that someone in Queensland had found this blog by searching “who are the head nodders who stand behind politicians”.

They would have found a post I published in 2004 in the lead up to a previous election. I thought I might as well post it again for you today.

I notice there are a lot more smiley nodders on TV lately.

They’re always there but so much more so when an election is on its way. They’re the people who stand behind a politician who is making a statement to the media and smile and nod.

For instance, if the leader of the party is releasing a policy you’ll usually find that the minister who has responsibility for the relevant department and the local member will be standing immediately behind with big grins. Sometimes they nod at the right time. They’re also the ones who will start to chuckle if the appointed spokesperson cracks at joke.

If you’ve never noticed them before watch the TV news tonight and see how many you can spot. It may add a little light releif to the whole election process. All
sides of politics have them so you should be able to see a few.

Let me know your ‘smiley nodder’ tally over the next few days.

So have you noticed the increase in smiley nodders recently?

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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A change of pace

It was a little quiet at our place this morning.

I can’t say that I’m a morning person but I do get up reasonably early. It takes me quite some time to turn into a human after I crawl out of bed. I tend to sit down and let my body adjust to the fact that I’m no longer ‘officially’ asleep.

Our son James, on the other hand, is definitely a morning person. Within seconds of getting out of bed he can launch into long winded and involved conversations. Conversations? Maybe monologues would be a better description.

I generally just sit there trying to take in what he’s saying, grunting at the appropriate moments.

It was a bit different today. He was away at a school sleep over.

While I don’t always take in everything he tells me before six o’clock in the morning, I do enjoy that time with him. It’s generally just him and me and so that time is precious, even if it doesn’t feel like it on some occasions.

This morning I just sat for a while then went about organizing my day. It wasn’t quite the same.

I do wonder how his classmates and his teacher coped with the early morning discussions today.

What’s it like at your place? Do you have a mixture of morning people and night owls? Can you spring out of bed in the morning ready to start the day or do you take time to wind up?

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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Curtains close forever at Cinema City

I remember when it was all shiny and new. There were mirrored walls and thick red carpet everywhere.

There was a big opening ceremony, televised by Channel 7, which included a street parade with a giant float featuring King Kong. It was unlike anything Perth had ever seen … but that was 27 years ago.

Cinema City opened in the heart of Perth in November 1980 and it was a very big deal. Imagine having four cinemas all in the one complex. Not so huge compared to today’s suburban cinema multiplexes around Perth with over a dozen cinemas in each location but it was very innovative and very luxurious at the time.

I remember going with some friends to see The Blues Brothers there for the first time shortly after Cinema City opened. It was their choice of film and I really wasn’t expecting much. That was a Saturday night and I loved the movie so much I took some other friends the following Saturday night. Since then I’ve seen that movie about twenty times. I was a fan well before the movie became the cult classic that it is today. I can quote most of the dialogue if you really want me to.

The Blues Brothers was one of four movies that were screening in the opening days of Cinema City. They were also showing The Black Stallion, Rough Cut and Flying High.

Back in those days people would travel from all over the metro area to see movies in the city. I saw many adventures come to life on the big screens at Cinema City over the years.

Yesterday Cinema City closed it’s doors for the final time.

I’m just trying to remember the last film we saw there. It was some months back now and I do remember that it was a family movie. I wondered whether this might be the last time that our family would walk the impressive stairs from the foyer to the cinema. I noticed that the rich, luxurious carpet was wearing thin. The complex had been heading towards closure for a long time and so there’d been no use replacing the floor coverings. The seats were worn and the cinemas were looking a little tired but that’s what you’d expect from a venue that had been entertaining thousands of people for so long.

In the coming months the building will make way for a 29 storey tower of apartments and offices.

I’m sure that the new building will be a place that will meet the many needs of the people who’ll use it in the coming years. It’s sad to see Cinema City breathe its last but I’ve still got plenty of good memories.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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