Just a quick reminder that I’m giving away a copy of The Creation Answers Book.
The Creation Answers Book seeks to give answers to some of the tough questions regarding the origins of our world.
Can we really believe that God exists? What about the evidence for creation taking six days? Is carbon dating reliable? Where do dinosaurs fit in the Bible? If we all descended from Adam and Eve why are there so many races? Doesn’t the physical evidence point towards evolution?
These and so many other questions are tackled and answered in this book which has been put together by Don Batten, David Catchpoole, Jonathan Sarfati and Carl Wieland.
Even if you’re an evolutionist who wants to see how young earth creationists explain their beliefs this book could be worth a look.
Thanks to Creation Ministries International I’ll give away one copy of the book to one of the readers of The Journey. To have a chance to win just leave a comment in the comments section of my post from several days back titled Book Give Away. If you publish a blog you can get an extra entry if you tell others about the competition.
I’ll draw a winner on Thursday the 1st of November. I’ll post the book anywhere in the world.
By the way, if you’re looking for other blog contests, check out Contest Beat. It’s a blog that highlights competitions right across the blogosphere.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
Technorati Tags: Creation – Evolution – Free Book
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I am so excited! My whole family wants this book!
Any way, I blogged about it, and I am going to add you to my contest column on Momsblogging.com, even though you aren’t technically a mom blogger, lol. I know the moms would want to sign up for this book. I may even add this to my other blogs. This is one of the best prizes out there.