Sweet Sixteen

Sixteen years ago today I said, “I do.”

In January 1992 I met the most wonderful woman I’ve ever known and in December of the same year I watched her walk down the aisle and promise to love me for life.

I love Pauline more and more as each year passes.

It’s hard to believe that I could find someone so amazing; someone who was prepared to commit herself to travelling life’s roads with me no matter what the journey would bring.

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What do you believe?

It seems that more Americans believe in the Devil, Hell and Angels than in Darwin’s Theory of Evolution.

A new Harris Poll tells us that an overwhelming majority of those in the US believe in God and that over 70% believe that Jesus is the Son of God.

The poll was conducted online within the United States between November 10 and 17, 2008 among 2,126 adults, aged 18 and over.

Some of the interesting findings include:

80% of adult Americans believe in God – unchanged since the last time we asked the question in 2005. Large majorities of the public believe in miracles (75%), heaven (73%), angels (71%), that Jesus is God or the Son of God (71%), the resurrection of Jesus (70%), the survival of the soul after death (68%), hell (62%), the Virgin birth (Jesus born of Mary (61%) and the devil (59%).

Slightly more people – but both are minorities – believe in Darwin’s theory of evolution (47%) than in creationism (40%).

Sizeable minorities believe in ghosts (44%), UFOs (36%), witches (31%), astrology (31%), and reincarnation (24%).

While a majority claim a belief in God, most aren’t displaying that belief through church attendance.

A quarter (27%) of adult Americans claim that they attend church once a week or more often, compared with 36% who say they attend less than once a year or never (18% each).

You can read more of the results here.

So while some would like us to believe that faith is a thing of the past, it is clear that millions of people are still convinced that there’s something more to life than what we can physically see.

I wonder where you would have stood on some of the questions asked in the poll.

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What Programmes Our Personalities?

mainboard.jpgHave you got what it takes?

That’s the question being asked in advertising trying to attract Western Australians to train as teachers.

You know something? I don’t have what it takes. I could never be a teacher. That’s not how I’m wired. I’m very happy that some people are wired that way and I have a real respect for those who choose teaching as a profession but it’s not something I could ever do or be.

When I saw the advertisement on television this evening I was reminded of a post I wrote almost three years ago titled How are you wired?

In the post I recounted catching up with an old neighbour. Until I was 16 our family lived in a house in the Perth suburb of Scarborough. The Browns were on one side of us and the Johnsons were on the other. Glenys Johnson heard me on 98.5 Sonshine FM during my regular weekday morning radio programme. She wondered if I was the boy she knew years ago so she rang up and asked if I’d ever lived in Colin Road. From there we chatted about families and old neighbours.

At one point, Glenys said that she knew that one of us Olsens was interested in radio back then. She thought it might have been Erik, one of my brothers. “Erik?” I could never imagine Erik wanting to work in radio.

That got me thinking. How is it that the five Olsen kids, brought up in the same home, could all go on to lead such different lives? Sure, there are lots of similarities between the siblings, but there are also some big differences.

The thought of being a high school maths teacher leaves me cold but my brother Chris has been doing just that for more years than I can remember and he’s great at it. Why would a guy in his late-forties still want to be involved in youth work? I could never do that but Erik does a fantastic job working with young people.

My eldest brother trained as a fitter and turner and is now working in a management job and my sister was a nurse. All such different job choices and not one that I’d choose for myself, despite all growing up with the same parents in the same home.

How is it that we are all wired so differently?

I am constantly amazed at seeing people derive such great job satisfaction from a range of jobs that would send me crazy. We are all so incredibly different.

I love what I’m doing and I’m more than happy that God wired me the way he did to enjoy working in radio. I’m also glad that he wired others to be technical geeks, cleaners, carpenters, builders, doctors, pilots, fence installers, gardeners and so on.

How about you? How differently are you wired to those around you? Are you currently working in the job that you’re wired to do? What are some of the jobs that you see others enjoying but know you could never get excited about?

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Counting the Years

Aili from Not Perfection wrote a post a couple of days ago titled The Cycle.

Her post consisted of just one line.

I’ve noticed recently that my parents’ hands are starting to look like the hands of my grandparents.

The post got me thinking. I commented in reply.

I’ve noticed recently that my hands are looking like my parents’ hands once did.

Have you noticed the signs of aging in yourself? Are there tell tale signs that you’re not quite as young as you used to be? Do you see your parents staring back at you from the mirror?

While there are some days that I feel my age more than others, I find it difficult at times to think of myself as any older than I’ve been for the last twenty years. Then I look at the mirror a little longer and see a middle aged man standing where a young man once did. There are deep lines where there used to be smooth skin. My scalp isn’t quite as populated as it once was and there are a few more signs of grey starting to creep into the picture.

I’m not overly concerned by the changes. Sure, if I had the choice I’d choose young over old, but I’d certainly like to keep the wisdom that the years have helped to develop. I’m generally comfortable in my skin, even if it is in a constant state of change.

How do you feel about the years continuing to accumulate? Do you sometimes wish you could put the brakes on or even go back a few years? Does getting older worry you or are you embracing the person you’re becoming?

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Butting Out!

cigarette.jpgIt seems that we’re getting the message.

A News.com.au article is trumpeting the headline Smoking rates halved since 1980.

Just one in five Australians now smoke and the most notorious group, the 18 to 24 year olds, are leading the resistance, with 19 per cent addicted compared to 47 per cent in 1980.

The drop has been seen in both men and women and across all other age groups, including secondary school smokers, reflecting an increasing national intolerance for smoking.

The effects of the drop in numbers of smokers are becoming more and more evident. It’s now a lot easier to come home without stinking of second hand smoke. It’s also a lot easier to avoid lung cancer.

Deaths from lung cancer also continue to drop for men and have levelled out among women.

I have never even taken a puff on a cigarette but I’ve certainly breathed in enough smoke to last a shortened lifetime. My dad smoked heavily while I was growing up and his habit has effected the health of all my siblings and me.

It might have been over thirty years ago but I still remember dad’s early morning smoker’s cough. It would make me feel sick inside. It sounded like dad was about to keel over and die right there and then. Thankfully he gave up eventually but I’m sure it caused irreversible damage that he carried with him for the rest of his life. I know that I’m still carrying the effects of his smoking to this day.

Are you a smoker who’s tried to give up? Maybe you’re an ex-smoker. How did you give the smokes away?

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