Finishing the Race


In the year 2000 Australia joined 188 other nations in a commitment to achieving eight Millennium Development Goals in order to halve poverty by 2015. Micah Challenge’s Finish the Race campaign aims to make sure that we don’t leave that job unfinished.

Micah Challenge is a global movement of Christian agencies, churches, groups and individuals which aims to deepen engagement with the poor and reduce poverty. I spoke to National Coordinator, John Beckett, on my radio program this morning.

In the run up to the federal election in 2013, and with the 2015 goal line for the Millennium Development Goals fast approaching, Australia has an opportunity to save and improve the lives of millions of the world’s poorest people. Join us as we call on the Australian government to finish what we started when we committed to achieving these goals.

Halving poverty across the globe by 2015 is a very ambitious goal. I asked how are we doing so far and you might be surprised how well we’ve done in some areas. Of course there’s still much to do to Finish the Race and if you click the play button on the audio player below you’ll hear John explain some practical ways that we can help continue seeing poverty reduced.

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Pedal it Forward

Jordan and Joel

Jordan Strahan and Joel Stephens are getting ready to cycle almost fifteen thousand kilometres around Australia under the banner of Pedal it Forward.

Their aim is to raise funds for World Bicycle Relief which is a charity dedicated to providing access to bicycles to a range of people in developing countries. The humble bicycle can provide an enormous leap in work productivity, access to healthcare, education and economic development.

World Bicycle Relief is a nonprofit organization transforming individuals and their communities through The Power of Bicycles.

Compared to walking, bicycles represent an enormous leap in productivity and access to healthcare, education and economic opportunities. The simple, sustainable nature of bicycles empowers individuals, their families and their communities.

To accomplish our mission we:

DESIGN, SOURCE & MANUFACTURE rugged bicycles engineered specifically for rural African terrain and load requirements

ASSEMBLE bicycles locally with proper tools and close attention to quality

DELIVER bicycles through Work-to-Own & Study-to-Own programs

ESTABLISH maintenance infrastructure by training local field mechanics

EVALUATE our work through independent studies

COMMUNICATE program results to donors and partners

Jordan and Joel joined me in the studio this morning during my radio program to tell me more about their epic adventure. You can click the play button on the audio player below to listen to our conversation.

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Blue Like Jazz – Talking with Steve Taylor


The movie, Blue Like Jazz, is based on the book of the same name by Donald Miller. It’s been described as a semi-autobiographical work. Its subtitle is “Non-Religious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality”.

Blue Like Jazz is a collection of essays and personal reflections focusing on the need for an authentic, personal response to matters of faith. The book was released around a decade ago but I’ve only started reading it recently. I’ll write some more once I’ve finished the book.

Now director, Steve Taylor, has created the movie which has been screened in a number of cinemas and can now be bought on Blu-Ray and DVD. I recently had the pleasure of chatting with Steve. You can hear our full conversation by clicking the play button on the audio player below.

Before directing movies, Steve Taylor was very involved in the music industry. His music tended to look at faith from a different angle than most of what was described as Christian music at the time and that spin on spirituality seems to be what attracted him to Blue Like Jazz.

By the way, if you live in the Perth area, you can grab tickets to a free screening of the movie at Hoyts Carousel this Wednesday thanks to 98five and Faith on Film. Just follow this link and fill in your details.

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What is Love?

To have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part.

What a remarkable man and an amazing example to all men.

Grab some tissues and take three and a half minutes to watch this video.

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Great Ocean Road 2013


A week ago I was in the middle of the amazing experience of cycling the 25000Spins Great Ocean Road Challenge. The ride raised money for ADRACompassion andBotswana Orphan Project.

My chosen charity was Compassion and I’m extremely grateful for everyone who donated and helped me release children from poverty. We had about 60 riders who each cycled around 290 kilometres and battled some serious hills over three days.

It’s not too late to contribute. You can still donate online right now by going to my fundraising page. By sponsoring my efforts on the challenge you’ll be releasing children from poverty. You’ll be giving children a real chance at life.

Last Tuesday, once the three days of riding were over, I spoke by phone to Kieran Johnson who was hosting my radio program while I was away. Have a listen to our conversation by clicking the play button on the audio player below and find out more about the ride and difference it’ll make.

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