John Finkelde’s Makeover

John Finkelde’s had a makeover. Well maybe not John himself, but his blog.

John Finkelde’s blog is often an eclectic mix of topics and posts that always provide something of interest. Sometimes it’s a good laugh, at other times it’s something that will get you thinking through life’s big picture issues. I love that variety.

Today is launch day for his renewed blog. This isn’t just a template change or a few tweaks; the whole blog has been revolutionised.

John’s the pastor of C3 Church Hepburn Heights. Here’s a little bit more about John, taken from his bio page at the church website.

Perth born and bred, John grew up with a love for all things water – swimming, surfing, snorkelling, fishing, prawning and crabbing.

Now living in a beach side suburb John still loves the water but prefers to eat fish rather than catch it these days.

Currently completing a Masters in leadership, John leads a vibrant, contemporary C3 church in Perth’s northern suburbs.

He has authored two books, Created for Partnership & Raising Great Kids and is currently writing a third, working title Pain Relief.

Married for over 30 years, he & Dianne have two grown children both married but no grandkids … yet!

He loves big skies, vanilla slices, Coldplay, AFL, laughing, redemption, home made muesli, C3 & coffee. His current obsession is DLSR photography and he would be happier if he owned multiple Canon L lenses.

Why not drop in to his blog and say g’day?

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From Mouths of Babes

Sometimes you just trip over great blogs. Other times you have to travel thousands of kilometres to find them.

As well as the many great stories that I’ll be sharing about my trip to Papua New Guinea, I want to share a blog I’ve just discovered. It’s called From Mouths of Babes and it’s written by Katrina Roe who was a member of the media team that travelled to PNG. Katrina’s the morning announcer on Hope 103.2 in Sydney.

So what’s her blog about? Here’s part of the story in her own words.

When I fell pregnant for the first time, I couldn’t have been happier. We had been trying for a baby for a while and I knew I was ready for this next stage in my life. But so often my friends with kids had only negative things to say about becoming a parent. ”Enjoy your sleep while you can!” ”You don’t know what you’re in for!” Or sometimes just a smug smile that said, “You’ve got a big shock coming.” The thing is, my first year as a Mum was the best year of my life. I loved everything about it. That doesn’t mean the adjustments weren’t difficult, but just that the joy of knowing my child far outweighed the difficulties.

So I really want this site to be a celebration of parenting, a celebration of all the joy and love our kids bring us. Yes, we need to talk about the hard stuff too, but let’s talk about it in a way that encourages us to be better parents and better people.

I love that attitude. We had people telling us the same sort of negative stuff when our kids were very young but I can assure you that Emily (14) and James (12) have brought us untold pleasure over many years. Of course there are tough times but I wouldn’t swap parenting them for anything.

Katrina’s most recent post, A Brown River Christmas, tells part of the story of our trip to a couple of villages near Port Moresby. I hope you’ll enjoy reading her account of the trip and that you’ll stick around to read more of her posts.

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Christian Carnival Here Next Week

christian_carnival_lion.jpgWould you like the opportunity to have your blog promoted? Have you published a post that you’d like read by a wider audience?

I’m having some friends drop in next week. They’ll be visiting from all over the world and you’re invited to join us. The next Christian Carnival is being hosted here at

The weekly Christian Carnival is an opportunity for Christian blog writers to share their best posts from the previous week. The topic of the post doesn’t necessarily have to focus on Christianity but it must reflect a Christian worldview, and the writer must be Christian to qualify. You may wish to consider that the readership of the Christian Carnival will be more varied than your usual readership, and you might do better contributing a post with broad appeal.

I’ve already received a number of contributions and I’m looking forward to offering readers of this blog some great links when the carnival is published.

If you’re a Christian and you’ve never contributed before, or if it’s been a while since you have, how about having a look through your posts for this week and choosing something to contribute. It doesn’t have to be a masterpiece, just a post that outlines your point of view or is designed to get others thinking. Being part of the carnival could be a great way to gain a little extra traffic at your blog.

The easiest way to get involved is to submit your article through the Blog Carnival Submission Form. Otherwise, you can email the submission address.

The deadline for submissions is Tuesday evening at midnight, Eastern (US) Standard Time. That means it’s midday Wednesday here in Perth, Western Australia.

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WordPress Turns Seven

WordPressIn early December 2007 I moved over two thousand posts from over four years of blogging from the Blogger blogging platform to WordPress. While it was a bit of a struggle getting all the images and the Haloscan comments over it was worth the effort. Moving to WordPress was the best blogging move I’ve ever made. Blogger was a great platform to start with but WordPress has allowed me so much more flexibility.

I don’t normally write posts about the process of blogging, so you may be wondering why I’m singing the praises of WordPress today. WordPress is turning seven today.

One of the great benefits of WordPress is that it’s Open Source so it’s built by a huge community rather than a company with a small team of designers offering a product. That means that there are literally millions more themes (templates) and usable features than on any other platform.

Since our last birthday we’ve doubled theme downloads to over 10 million, and doubled plugin downloads to 60 million. Most importantly, we continued to grow the development community to 1,528 people active on Trac and 13 committers, both numbers the highest in the history of WordPress.

That’s 1,528 people pouring their hearts and souls into GPL software we all own, we all build on, we can use as we please, we can all make better. We’ve evolved from a simple script to a web platform.

I mentioned that I had a few struggles in the move from Blogger. That was really only because I was using a third party solution for comments. For most people making the switch is absolutely seamless. For the exceptions to the rule, like me, you’ll find, just as I did, that there are countless WordPress enthusiasts ready to lend a hand. In my case a guy named Justin spent a very long time making sure all my comments transferred over. He wasn’t part of WordPress, he was just a fellow blogger who was part of an extremely helpful community.

If you want to move your blogging to the next level maybe it’s time to consider joining the WordPress community. You won’t regret it.

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Reading made easy

feed-icon.pngDon’t you love it when you find ways to save time and simplify tasks? Isn’t it even better when it’s free?

Hopefully I can simplify the way you read this blog.

Did you know that you can read via email each day? Instead of having to visit my blog each day, it can visit you. Just click here, enter your email address, and you’ll never miss a post. You’ll get one email a day with anything I’ve posted on that day. It’s completely free and you can unsubscribe at any time so why not give it a go?

There’s also a link to subscribe to my RSS feed at the top of my right hand sidebar which makes updating easy if you read blogs through Bloglines, Google Reader, Yahoo, NewsGator, MSN or any other service. If you haven’t heard of RSS, Atom or site feeds before you can check out this article at Wikipedia for more information. Basically feeds make it a lot easier to read blogs and other information sources. If you read even a handful of blogs a day you can save a lot of time through feeds.

Can I encourage you to use one of these methods to get your free updates from I’d love you to be part of the community that is continuing to grow here and I want to make it as easy as possible for you to stay in touch with every post.

Whichever way you choose to read my blog let me say thank you for doing so. I truly appreciate the fact that you take the time to read my random thoughts and participate in the conversation through your comments.

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